About Us
Coventry University is able to deliver apprenticeship programmes anywhere in England. We have campuses in the midlands, London and Yorkshire as well as the ability to deliver tutorial sessions with apprentices onsite with an employer anywhere in the country.
Coventry University is a forward-looking, modern university with a proud tradition as a provider of high quality education with a focus on applied research.
Our students benefit from state-of-the-art equipment and facilities in all academic disciplines including health, design and engineering laboratories, performing arts studios and computing centres. We have been chosen to host three national Centres of Excellence in Teaching and Learning which has enabled us to invest substantial sums of money in health, design and mathematics.
Our city-centre campus is continually developing and evolving, and we have plans for further investment in it over the next few years. We are a major presence in Coventry, which contributes to the city's friendly and vibrant atmosphere and also enables us to foster successful business partnerships.
Degree & higher apprenticeships
Each Coventry University Apprenticeship programme is designed in partnership with the employer, so that it reflects their organisation’s culture and values. Learning is by a blend of face-to-face, online and self-directed study, and individual learning styles and needs are catered for.
Our tutors are experienced industry professionals who are committed to enabling apprentices to achieve the best possible results. They understand the challenges of combining study with work, and are available out of hours to provide support if necessary. One-to-one coaching sessions are an important feature of our programmes, keeping students motivated and helping them to stay on track.
in 2017, Coventry University was awarded a Gold rating in the Teaching and Excellence Framework (the government's first major assessment of teaching quality).
Our Degree and Higher Apprentices have achieved excellent results, with 40% of graduates gaining First Class Honours.
The remaining 60% gained 2:1 Honours degrees.