Non-Levy Payers
If you have a payroll of under £3m, you are not required to pay the Apprenticeship Levy.
But you can get substantial funding towards the cost of training and assessment of apprentices. You need only pay 5% - the government will co-fund the other 95%, up to the funding band maximum.
To access funding, you will need to:
- agree a payment schedule with the training organisation
- pay them directly for the training
The government will pay the rest directly to the training organisation.
You could be eligible for extra funding, depending on both your and your apprentice’s circumstances:
- If you have apprentices aged 16-18
- If you have apprentices aged up to 24 with a health care plan
- If you have fewer than 50 staff
- If your apprentices require Level 2 Maths and English training and learning support