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Access to HE Diploma (Business Studies) Course
This course sets out to offer you a year of study in business, marketing, management, human resources, and accounting units, preparing you for successful entry into a relevant undergraduate degree.
Access to HE Diploma (Health and Human Sciences) Course
The Access to Health and Human Sciences course is designed to give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to be able to start your journey to a rewarding career in Health and Life Sciences and Professional Health courses within the NHS.
Access to HE Diploma (Nursing) Course
The Access to Nursing course is designed to give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to be able to start your journey to a rewarding career in nursing upon graduation.
Access to HE Diploma (Social Sciences) Course
The Social Science Access course sets out to offer adult returners a coherent, integrated and supported year of study in psychology and sociology. Learners will gain the knowledge, awareness, skills and confidence necessary for successful entry into a relevant undergraduate degree.
Access to HE Diploma (Social Work) Course
The Access to Social Work course sets out to offer adult returners a coherent, integrated and supported year of study in preparation for progression to a social work degree course.
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) Course
Applied biosciences explores life at all levels from chemicals, molecules and cells to organ systems, laying the foundation for a career in human health and disease.
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) Course
Applied biosciences explores life at all levels from chemicals, molecules and cells to organ systems, laying the foundation for a career in human health and disease.
Building HNC Course
The Building HNC is a vocational course for those wanting to take up professional roles in construction-based disciplines in professional offices, local government departments and the manufacturing sector.
Building HNC Course
The Building HNC is a vocational course for those wanting to take up professional roles in construction-based disciplines in professional offices, local government departments and the manufacturing sector.
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Course
This course is designed to help you establish key leadership skills, from managing people and resources to strategic planning.
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Course
This course is designed to help you establish key leadership skills, from managing people and resources to strategic planning.
Civil Engineering HNC Course
The Civil Engineering HNC is a vocational course for those wanting to take up professional roles in construction-based disciplines in professional offices, local government departments and the manufacturing sector.
Civil Engineering HNC Course
The Civil Engineering HNC is a vocational course for those wanting to take up professional roles in construction-based disciplines in professional offices, local government departments and the manufacturing sector.
Cloud Computing BSc (Hons) Course
Cloud Computing is a model for enabling flexible on-demand access to a pool of scalable computing resources that users and businesses can provision rapidly and easily to meet needs.
Cloud Computing BSc (Hons) Course
Cloud computing is a model for enabling flexible on-demand access to a pool of scalable computing resources that users and businesses can provision rapidly and easily to meet needs.
Construction Environment, Legal and Statutory Requirements in Construction Course
The Construction Environment, Legal and Statutory Requirements in Construction module is one part of the Construction Management for England Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) course at CU Coventry.
Construction Management for England (Construction Design and Build Technician) HTQ Course
This Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) in Construction Management will allow you to experience the breadth and interdisciplinary nature of the construction industry and achieve a qualification which facilitates progression within the industry.
Construction Management for England (Construction Design and Build Technician) HTQ Course
This Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) in Construction Management will allow you to experience the breadth and interdisciplinary nature of the construction industry and achieve a qualification which facilitates progression within the industry.
Early Childhood Development and Learning BA (Hons) Course
Being involved in the educational and personal growth of children can offer a highly fulfilling profession. This course specifically concentrates on children aged 0-8, with the goal of equipping graduates to make valuable contributions to early childhood development.
Early Childhood Development and Learning BA (Hons) Course
Being involved in the educational and personal growth of children can offer a highly fulfilling profession. This course provides you with the opportunity to gain recognition as an early childhood development graduate practitioner, subject to meeting placement and assessment criteria.