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What is the difference between CU Coventry and Coventry University?

What is the difference between Coventry University and CU Coventry?

CU Coventry is a trading name of Coventry University College Ltd, a company wholly-owned by Coventry University. CU Coventry is, therefore, an organisation that is separate to, and distinct from, Coventry University. The University will validate CU Coventry’s courses (i.e. approve the programmes of study and award the qualifications). The courses at CU Coventry will be provided by CU Coventry staff, with Coventry University College’s resources and facilities.

Would I be better suited to study at Coventry University or CU Coventry?

CU Coventry will be designed for people who want to benefit from high quality courses on a concentrated basis and who have decided that the traditional student experience is not for them. CU Coventry will focus on the teaching and learning that lead to your academic and professional qualifications.  

Coventry University provides a traditional student experience in that students are typically (although not exclusively) enrolled on full-time three year undergraduate courses immediately, or shortly, after their A-Levels. The students combine their studies with busy social lives and extra-curricular activities.

Will you be following the same curriculum and study as at Coventry University?

No, Coventry University is separate to CU Coventry. Course offerings are very different to those available at Coventry University. However, the courses are approved and awarded by Coventry University and Coventry University’s name will be on your certificate once you have passed the course.

CU Coventry has a unique offering, in that the courses are designed around the standards set by Professional Bodies, so we will help you prepare for the exams that they set. This will help and enable you to obtain professional qualifications as well as academic ones. You will need to pay for the Professional Body examinations yourself, but the costs for the academic examinations are included in your fee.

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