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Discovering your full potential with CU London’s life-shaped learning

Date published: Tuesday 13 February

At CU London, we understand that you may have to balance your studies with other commitments. We spoke with Olaitan, a Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) student who also works as a Protection Officer for the CU London Dagenham campus. He shared his experiences of how CU London’s life-shaped learning has helped him successfully manage both work and studies.

Can you briefly explain your role as a Protection Officer here?

My role as a Protection Officer involves keeping the building safe for staff, students and visiting members of the public. I make students aware of the Health and Safety regulations on campus.

What course are you studying and what have you learned?

I’m studying Business Management and Leadership here at CU London, and the course has helped a lot with my personal development. I’ve improved in areas such as communication, project management and even presenting to groups. Previously, I struggled to speak in front of people, but the course has given me the confidence to communicate effectively.

How is CU London’s ‘life-shaped learning’ helping you to juggle both your job and your studies?

The hours were the most attractive aspect that drew me to study at CU London. I attend lectures Mondays, Tuesdays and half of Wednesdays then have the rest of the week to go to work. It’s the perfect structure for me to juggle both work and studies.

The way the course is structured is fantastic. They allow you time to learn but also take into consideration the fact that you might have other commitments, which in my case is my job. The block-style module learning system is the best, and it’s how I’ve managed to be successful here.

How does your course support your career aspirations?

Looking at the business aspect, my course is helping me out a lot. I’m able to apply the leadership skills I’ve gained through study to my current job. My course is also widening my career opportunities for the future, which is something I’m excited to explore. I feel inspired to go out into the world with the new skills I’ve gained here.

Would you recommend CU London?

I’ve recommended CU London to plenty of others. People are becoming more and more aware of the university, and I believe we should continue to encourage people to attend.

Anything else you’d like to share?

The academic staff here are fantastic, they are always ready to help us and feel like a family. Whenever I have an issue, I explain it to the tutors, and they are always willing to support me. This is something I’ve seen daily.

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