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Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) Course
This course blends the study of human biology with the rigorous techniques used in scientific laboratories, including analysis of blood, dissection, drug synthesising and chemical growth.
Applied Psychology BSc (Hons) Course
This course will provide students with all the necessary knowledge and skills required to work as an ethical and professional counselling practitioner.
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Course
Our BA (Hons) Business Management and Leadership course is designed to help you develop key skills, from managing people, projects and resources to strategic leadership within the UK and internationally.
Cloud Computing BSc (Hons) Course
Cloud Computing is a model for enabling flexible on-demand access to a pool of scalable computing resources that users and businesses can provision rapidly and easily to meet needs.
Computing Science BSc (Hons) Course
Our Computing Science BSc (Hons) degree is designed to equip modern graduates to work in this exciting and constantly changing field.
Cyber Security BSc (Hons) Course
The Cyber Security BSc (Hons) degree is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to work in this thriving industry.
Early Childhood Education and Care HTQ Course
This course aims to equip you with the early education and care practice skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to achieve high performance in the global early education and care environment.
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) Course
The Electro-Mechanical Engineering degree has been designed to equip you with the intellectual and technical building blocks to kick-start your career in engineering.
Energy Management BSc (Hons) Course
This course examines the exciting, relevant and life supporting energy sector. Topics include oil and gas exploration and production, renewable energy and the social and environmental impacts of energy.
Health and Social Care BA (Hons) Course
This Health and Social Care BA (Hons) course is composed of theoretical and practical learning modules that underpin the core concepts of healthcare.
Healthcare Professions’ Support for England HTQ Course
This course aims to equip you to become a professional, self-reflecting individual who can meet the demands of employers in the healthcare sector and thrive in a constantly changing world.
Law and Practice LLB (Hons) Course
Studying law can lead you to a variety of exciting career options including barrister, solicitor or a legal executive.
Leadership and Management for England HTQ Course
Are you interested in the world of business? This course focuses on the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills you'll need to be successful in leadership and management roles.
Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons) Course
The BA (Hons) Primary Education and Teaching Studies course aims to supply knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and skilled individuals to local and national school-centred teacher training institutions.
Professional Accounting BA (Hons) Course
This accountancy degree aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skillset to help you get into the accounting profession.
Public Health and Community Studies BA (Hons) Course
The Public Health & Community Studies degree has been designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to excel in a multidisciplinary community environment.