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Study at CU London

CU London, part of the Coventry University Group, is dedicated to ensuring higher education is an option for everyone. Download your prospectus to find out more.

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Two students sitting down on a step inside a building

Applying to CU London: Your Ultimate Guide

We've put together everything you need to know about applying to CU London.

Read our guide
Three students outside talking

5 reasons to choose CU London

We want to make sure higher education is accessible to everyone. Whether you’re looking for study that fits around your life, or vocational courses to boost your employability, CU London can help you achieve your goals.

Why choose CU London
Three students on a flight of stairs inside a building talking

Benefits of choosing an alternative start date

At CU London, we recognise that life can be unpredictable, and we are committed to ensuring that education remains accessible year-round, which is why we offer lots of opportunities to join throughout the year.

Learn more about our start dates
The Queen's Award for Enterprise logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023