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Professional courses

In addition to academic courses, CU London offers professional courses and qualifications.

CMI Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership (RQF)

The Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership lets you strengthen and develop your knowledge of middle management by focusing on specific management areas that are applicable to your job.

View CMI Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership (RQF)

CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership (RQF)

The Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership gives you a broader knowledge of middle management skills while focusing on the specific leadership areas appropriate to you and your workplace.

View CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership (RQF)

CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership (RQF)

The Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership gives you all the key skills and competencies you'll need to become an effective middle manager. A Diploma in Management and Leadership is the benchmark qualification for full CMI membership, taking you another step towards Chartered Manager status.

View CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership (RQF)

A male lecturer helping two male students with their work

IEMA-recognised sustainability courses

We are proud to offer a range of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IMEA) recognised courses, developed for professionals interested in the field of the environment and sustainability and who are looking to develop new skills for career progression or a career change. 

Bespoke courses for your business

CU London is experienced in delivering tailor-made CPD training across the UK. We can offer flexible delivery and adapt our training courses to suit your business needs. Please ask for a free and comprehensive consultation with our business development team to assess your training needs and to create a training plan that fits around you and your learners.

For more information about these courses, please contact us:

The Queen's Award for Enterprise logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023