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A male lecturer helping two male students with their work

IEMA courses

IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment) is a professional body supporting anyone working, studying or interested in the environment and sustainability.

Our IEMA-recognised continuing professional development (CPD) courses are aimed at professionals interested in developing new skills for career progression or a career change. They are designed to make a positive impact on businesses by addressing issues related to sustainability and the environment.

IEMA Transforming the world to sustainability logo


Course Duration Delivery mode Priced from (per learner*)
Introduction to Net Zero 1 day Classroom, virtual and online (self-paced) £180
Environmental Sustainability Skills for Workers 1 day Classroom, virtual and online (self-paced) £180
Environmental Sustainability Skills for Managers 2 days Classroom, virtual and online (self-paced) £245
Pathways to Net Zero 2 days Classroom, virtual and online (self-paced) £275
Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management 5 days Classroom, virtual and online (self-paced) £870
Certificate in Environmental Management 15 days (over 3 delivery blocks) Classroom, virtual and online (self-paced) £1,375

*All prices are exclusive of VAT. They are based on open cohorts with a minimum of 15 learners. Please enquire about bespoke commercial pricing which may be available.

Course information

The Queen's Award for Enterprise logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023