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Choose an alternative date to start your degree

Date published: Monday 11 September 2023

Did you know that you don't have to begin a degree in September? At CU Scarborough we know that real life doesn't always line up neatly with the academic calendar so, to make things easier, we offer lots of opportunities to join throughout the year.

Being able to choose when to begin, gives you the control to start on the path to your future at a time that works for you. If this sounds good, here are some more reasons why an alternative start date can benefit you.


Opting for an alternative start date gives you flexibility. Life is unpredictable and the option to start at the right time is a big help. Choosing when you start can make it much easier to juggle other commitments from your day job to childcare and family commitments, you can make degree study work for you.

Getting ahead of the competition

The academic world tends to buzz with excitement during the traditional popular September intake, but choosing an alternative start date might just give you an edge and remove some of the pressure.

Time to sharpen your focus

An alternative start isn't only about the later date; it's an opportunity to focus. Taking some time before you start, can give you the chance to really delve into your chosen course and subject area. This will help you be more confident when your course begins.

Personal development

An alternative start date opens a window of opportunity to expand your experience. You can use this time to get work experience, volunteer, or immerse yourself in a personal project.

As well as adding to your personal growth, these experiences can expand your world view. Having a broader perspective can be a useful skill for degree study.

In conclusion

You don't have to follow the regular academic calendar to get your degree - you can choose a path that works for you.

When you choose an alternative start date, it can benefit you in a variety of ways. Flexibility makes life and study compatible. Extra time for personal development can give you an edge.

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