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The Campus

The Campus

Our state-of-the-art, purpose-built campus opened in September 2016.

As a CU Scarborough student you will have access to all the facilities you will need to support your studies and student life, all located in a modern, open plan campus. We are located in the new £50m sport and education campus, which also features the Scarborough Sports Village and Flamingo Land Football Stadium - home of Scarborough Athletic Football Club.

We are continuously expanding our courses, which means our building is ever-changing. September 2018 saw the first cohort of Adult Nursing students begin their degree in our new clinical-skills lab and in September 2019 we opened a brand new drama studio to accommodate our Acting students.


Social Space Library IT Suites
Café Moot Court Room Engineering and Science Labs
Prayer Room Cyber Lab Clinical Skills Lab
Study Rooms Student Support Team Talent Team offering careers advice

Students in the library

Cafe on campus


The Library is based on the ground floor and is open to all students enrolled on a course at CU Scarborough. Our friendly staff are available during opening hours to help support your learning needs. 

Facilities include:

Computers with access to internet and printing  Loanable laptops Access to copies of essential and recommended reading
Silent study room Information skills sessions Over 115,000 eBooks

All our resources are listed on the Locate library catalogue. Locate allows you to search for books, eBooks and journal articles.

Free eBook scheme

We understand that higher education is a big investment, so we have committed to offering an eBook scheme in partnership with BibliU to include core textbooks as part of your tuition fees.

Engineering lab

IT suite

Campus Facts

1. 22,016 meters of data cabling was used in the CU Scarborough campus. That's enough to travel the height of the Eiffel Tower a whopping 68 times!

2. The amount of copper pipework used for the heating and water systems is equivalent to the height of 707 London double decker buses piled on top of each other.

3. 131 tonnes of concrete was used in the pile foundations, that's the equivalent weight of 18 fully grown elephants.

4. 860 metres of under floor heating pipework went into the campus build, enough to span the height of the world's tallest building.

Find out the most convenient way to travel to our campus.

Find out about our campus accessibility on the AccessAble website.

The Queen's Award for Enterprise logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023