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Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Course
This Business Management and Leadership degree is designed to help you establish key leadership skills, from managing people and resources to strategic planning.
Computing for England (Cyber Security) HTQ Course
This HTQ Computing course has been designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding in relation to cyber threats and vulnerabilities, cyber defence techniques and incident response.
Computing Science BSc (Hons) Course
Our Computing Science degree is designed to introduce you to work in this exciting and constantly changing field.
Cyber Security BSc (Hons) Course
As a result of the continuing digital revolution, computer systems are involved in just about every aspect of modern life.
Early Childhood Education and Care HTQ Course
This course aims to equip you with the early education and care practice skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to achieve high performance in the global early education and care environment.
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) Course
Considered an art by some people, engineering is the combination of science and technology that is concerned with solving complex problems, such as machinery, infrastructure, design and many more.
Health and Social Care BA (Hons) Course
This Health and Social Care BA (Hons) course is composed of theoretical and practical learning modules that underpin the core concepts of healthcare.
Law and Practice LLB (Hons) Course
This LLB (Hons) degree aims to provide a thorough understanding of law and practice in the modern world.
Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year Course
This course is designed to give you the skills and knowledge required to prepare you for a rewarding career in a number of healthcare professions
Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons) Course
The BA (Hons) Primary Education and Teaching Studies course aims to supply knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and skilled individuals to local and national school-centred teacher training institutions.
Public Health and Community Studies BA (Hons) Course
The Public Health & Community Studies degree has been designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to excel in a multidisciplinary community environment.
Sport Performance and Coaching BSc (Hons) Course
Sports coaching and athlete development is an exciting and rewarding field which includes a range of employment opportunities across the sport and exercise industry.