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Internships and work experience


Business leaders and our students have told us how much work experience matters. At the core of our programmes is the opportunity for a student to carry out an internship or work experience. We can offer you the opportunity of hosting a student on an internship or work experience placement at no cost to your business. 

In each instance, on completion of the placement, the student provides a comprehensive Management Report which details the research and project work undertaken, and makes appropriate conclusions and recommendations which can be implemented by you.

Recent employer projects include the development of business strategies, identifying emerging markets, new product research and development, promotion of key marketing campaigns and business expansion.

In addition, at Coventry University London our student’s employability is paramount.

As part of our programmes our Employability team provides our students with rigorous training in UK workplace culture, business practices and employability training before their placement commences.

Our internships are completely flexible in terms of

  • the location where the work is undertaken;
  • the number of students working on your project;
  • time of year the project needs to be undertaken;
  • the opportunity to engage a free resource.

Internship – A popular choice for the majority of employers, it offers the opportunity for an intern to complete a business project working onsite with you and fully supported by our academic experts.

Individual Consulting Project – For a number of reasons it might not be practical or possible for you to host an intern onsite; in this instance we are able to offer you an intern working offsite at our city based campus.

Working with your project brief and fully supported by our academic experts, the intern completes your business project.

Group Consulting Project – We are able to provide a group of students to work exclusively as an external management consulting team, working offsite at our city based campus. With a project brief provided by you and fully supported by our academic experts, the team completes your business project. 

Throughout the placement both the employer and student are fully supported by a Placement Manager and an academic expert.

The Queen's Award for Enterprise
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023