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Privacy Notices and ICO registration numbers

Coventry University Group processes personal data relating to students, prospective students, graduates, alumni, staff, job applicants, as well as suppliers and other third parties.

The personal data which we process includes both ‘personal data’ (any information from which you can be identified, e.g. name, date of birth, contact details, identification numbers, photographs, and expressions of opinion about you) and ‘special category data’ (such as racial or ethnic origin, religion, political views, trade union membership, genetics and biometrics (where used for ID purposes), health and disabilities and sex life and sexual orientation).

Our privacy notices explain exactly what Coventry University Group will do with your data and your rights in relation to that processing.

View copies of the following privacy notices:

View the Data Collection Statement and Privacy Notice for REF2021:

Other Coventry University Group Privacy Notices:

Lawful Processing

Coventry University Group will only process personal data in accordance with its issued fair processing and privacy notices. In practice most of the day to day processed of personal data will relate to information about students and employees. Generally speaking we use this information to administer your course or your employment (as the case may be).

What to do if you are processing personal data

Generally, you need to ensure that the processing you are carrying out falls within one of our issued privacy notices and that the individual has been given a copy of that notice. Privacy notices will be issued on a central basis to students; prospective students and applicants; employees, workers and consultants; alumni and graduates. However, where you are engaging in research or handling personal data in any other way, you will need to ensure that a relevant privacy notice has been issued to the individual and that this covers what you intend to do with their personal data.

If a privacy notice is not already available which covers the way in which you intend to use personal data then you should liaise with the Information Governance Unit who can help you compile one.

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

Sharing personal data with third parties is sometimes necessary. Who we may share personal data with and the reasons for it are set out in the relevant notice.

Generally, staff and students should not share anyone else’s personal data with third parties (unless in accordance with a privacy notice which has been issued to the individual and with our disclosures standard). Personal data relating to any individual should not, without express authorisation, be issued to any person’s family, friends or relatives. Please see the separate guide on disclosure of staff and student data. 

ICO registration numbers

Coventry University Group ICO registration numbers are listed below. You can also search the ICO’s data protection public register.

  • Coventry University - Z6939585
  • Coventry University Enterprises Limited - Z5451039
  • The Futurelets Limited - ZA118788
  • PeoplesFuture Limited - ZA333567
  • CU Services Limited - ZA027495
  • Coventry University London Campus Limited – ZA496173
  • Coventry University College Limited – ZA027493
  • CU Management Services Limited - ZA125935
  • Coventry University Online Limited - ZA439024
  • CU Recruitment and Admissions Limited - ZA509418
  • CU Social Enterprise CIC - ZA523126
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