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Global Business Management BA (Hons) Course
Develop a range of unique competencies and skills required to function as a manager or business leader in a global business environment.
Global Business MBA Course
Prepare for a successful career in business leadership and management roles within an international context.
Global Finance MSc/PGDip/PGCert Course
Gain the knowledge and professional skills to develop a career in investment banking, portfolio management, corporate finance, or risk management.
International Marketing MBA Course
Develop a range of multidisciplinary marketing skills as well as your ability to think and work strategically, to prepare for a high-flying career in international marketing and business.
International Project Management MSc/PGDip/PGCert Course
Gain a modern perspective on project management and use current theories and practices to prepare for a career in this growing profession.
Management MSc/PGDip/PGCert Course
Gain a broad, analytical and integrated understanding of business and international management, giving you the chance to learn the solid academic and practical foundations needed to thrive in your management career.