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Enquiries for international students at Coventry University London
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As a responsible, forward looking University, Coventry University Group (the “Group”) recognises the need to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and any other associated privacy legislation.
How to find Coventry University London
Internships and work experience
Accessibility Statement Coventry University London Campus
Students can start their own business at Coventry University London
Take a look at our academic regulations.
Coventry University London Campus is the trading name of Coventry University London Campus Limited, a company wholly owned by Coventry University, registered in England and Wales under company number 06997944, with registered office Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 5FB.
Key information for studying at Coventry University London
Information on international fees, and how to make a payment to the university
New postgraduate space, Cutlers Exchange, opening soon! News
Coventry University London is pleased to announce that our new location at Cutlers Exchange is set to open on 4 March 2019.
Studying at Coventry University London, students can develop their business skills through a range of experiences.
Coventry University London MSc Students Visit Hospitality Icon News
Coventry University London’s MSc Hospitality and Tourism students paid a visit to one of the UK’s most iconic hotels this week – The Landmark London.
The Importance of Failure in Entrepreneurship – Jay Kumar News
Coventry University London welcomed well-known fashion-tech entrepreneur Jay Kumar to its campus this week.
Meet Coventry University London's highly-qualified academic team.
Information on work experience options at Coventry University London
Coventry University London becomes full member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools News
Coventry University London has taken its place among the UK’s prominent business education providers, as it has become a full member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS).
Immi re-elected for second term as CUSU Campus Officer News
Coventry University London's current Campus Officer has been re-elected in the Coventry University Students' Union (CUSU) Spring Elections!