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Pre-sessional English courses

The Coventry University London Pre-sessional English (PSE) courses will help you prepare to study at university in the UK. Our PSE courses will help you develop your language and academic skills so that you can be successful on your destination course.

PSE course overview

The PSE is a full-time course which will:

  • Help you meet the minimum language requirements needed for your chosen Coventry University London degree course.
  • Help you learn strategies and study skills that will enable you to succeed in UK higher education.
  • Improve your reading and writing skills; including how to write in the correct academic style using sources appropriately.
  • Develop your speaking and listening skills; including how to give presentations and participate in seminar discussions.
  • Allow you to familiarise yourself with the university’s facilities and resources ahead of your academic course.
  • Help you to work independently during your studies.

You will have lessons focusing on:

Reading and writing
You will learn how to read more effectively, write in an appropriate academic style, and learn how to incorporate sources that you read into your writing, including how to cite and reference.

Speaking and listening
You will develop your lecture listening skills and practice note-taking techniques; you will also learn how to give a successful academic presentation and how to participate in seminar discussions.

Study skills
You will learn much-needed study skills such as time management, referencing, avoiding plagiarism and critical thinking.

Coventry University London PSE courses are designed to reflect the academic practices you will find on your degree course. Situated within a business school, the PSE programmes cover business related themes and will prepare you to write business reports and give professional presentations.

How is the course organised?

The PSE is a full-time programme. It includes 10 hours of group teaching and 10 hours of online interactive lessons per week. In addition, you will have regular tutorials with your teachers. You will also need to complete homework, assignments and independent self-study.

How will I learn?

  • Language and academic skills lessons 5 days a week with your teacher
  • Online interactive lessons 5 days a week
  • Your portfolio will help you learn independent study skills and address areas you need to develop
  • Detailed feedback on your work and draft assignments
  • Group work activities to help build your confidence

How will I be tested?

  • You will take an exam in each of the skills to assess your level
  • You will also complete a longer piece of writing (a business report) during the course

Please note that enrolment on a pre-sessional English course does not guarantee progression onto your destination course. By achieving the level of performance required in the pre-sessional English course, meeting the university’s academic entry requirements and any other outstanding conditions, you will be able to progress on to your Coventry University London course without needing to retake an IELTS exam.

If you have met your English entry requirements, but would like to improve your academic language skills and prepare to succeed in a UK academic environment, join our five-week pre-sessional course.

Course dates and fees

The dates for your pre-sessional English course will depend on your current IELTS level and when you want to start your degree.

Entry requirements

To study on a face-to-face pre-sessional English course at Coventry University London in the UK you will need a Secure English Language Test (SELT) certificate.

Due to recent UK Visas and Immigration changes, you must sit an IELTS test at a test centre that is approved by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to deliver a SELT. You will only be able to apply for a Student visa to undertake a pre-sessional English course if you hold a SELT from a UKVI approved test centre.

Your SELT certificate MUST include the following to be valid for entry onto a pre-sessional English course.

  • Top right box MUST state ‘Academic’
  • Centre Number MUST be a centre number that shows on the UKVI approved test centres list
  • MUST have a UKVI reference number

The level of pre-sessional English course you will need will be dependent on your current English level. See tables above for a guide to which course you may require.

For online study outside of the UK, you can demonstrate that you have met the entry requirements for your online PSE course using a number of recognised English proficiency exams, such as TOEFL iBT, Cambridge Advanced or Proficiency, or PTE Academic. Our Admissions team will be able to provide more information on the entry requirements for online PSE courses.

How to apply

There is no separate application process to apply to the pre-sessional English course. You must submit your application for the degree you are interested in studying and based on the information provided, you will be offered a place on the necessary pre-sessional English course if required.

Please note:

Enrolment on a pre-sessional English course does not guarantee progression onto your chosen academic course at Coventry University London. In order to meet the English requirements of your course you need to:

  • arrive on the first day of the programme;
  • attend all of your timetabled lessons;
  • be committed to participating fully in English in all classes;
  • complete all homework, assessments and other work set by your lecturers;
  • spend time on self-study each week of your programme.

Further information

Please visit our regulations for pre-sessional English if you would like further information regarding framework, admission, enrolment, registration and degree progression.

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