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Shaikh's story
Teaching and Learning

Building confidence through learning

Shaikh is a Global Marketing BSc (Hons) student with a passion for marketing that stretches back to his teenage years. After enjoying studying marketing at secondary school, Shaikh decided to specialise in the subject at degree level, and feels like he’s made the best choice for his future.

More details about Shaikh

 Shaikh Ali


I wanted to study at Coventry University London for three main reasons. The opportunities that the university provide seemed ideal for me, as they have a great track record for career prospects. The diversity of the university was also very impressive, it’s a great benefit to have a multicultural learning experience. There’s a mix of people that come here and that’s not just a great thing to have academically, but also personally.

In my professional life I want to go into marketing and my academics are so helpful in trying to make those dreams a reality. Many of the academics have PHDs and are very skilled at what they do. It really translates in the work we do and the advice they give, as they can give lots of insights to the marketing sector. The time I’ve spent here has definitely changed me for the best. I feel like it’s built my confidence and so now my goals are bigger, as I realise I can achieve much more than I thought I was capable of.

Coming here as an international student, I have found the academics and other students are so welcoming and their friendship really makes it feel like home here. Everyone is so supportive, so it wasn’t a problem settling in, as there’s always someone happy to help you. 

I most definitely enjoy living in London, it’s so multicultural and friendly. It’s so cool to see all the historical places and landmarks around the city. It’s crazy how many places there are to see, you never get bored here. Also, the weather is pretty good, it’s a nice change from Bangladesh!

Shaikh Ali, Global Marketing BSc (Hons) student, quoted in 2021
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