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A teacher in a shirt showing three young students a test tube of green liquid.

Train to teach in England

Our PGCE with QTS is distinct in combining the expected rigour and credibility of a university-led course with the practical advantages of being based in school for the entirety of your training.

As the course is delivered online, you can be based in a school anywhere in England, provided the school meets our selection criteria to ensure it can offer the right support.

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)

PGCE is an academic qualification. It will deepen your understanding of how children learn, and the psychology underpinning this. It will develop your subject knowledge and teaching skills so you'll be better equipped to adapt your lessons to different contexts and learners with varying abilities. The PGCE also leads to 60 master's level credits.

Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)

QTS is the professional qualification required to teach in state-funded maintained schools in England. In many state-funded academies, free schools and independent schools it is also expected that teachers will hold QTS.

These are two different qualifications that we offer in one course.

Routes to initial teacher training

Find the right route for you

Try our Taster Course to find the right path into teaching for you.

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Two young students wearing goggles and using a microscope in a science classroom.