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From Clearing to China

Jimmy studied Global Business Management BA (Hons) at Coventry University London after going through Clearing in 2017. With a thirst for business, Jimmy decided to undertake an internship in China as well as a study abroad year in Spain, which were some of his most memorable moments.

Why did you choose Coventry University London?

"I came to the university via Clearing. The process was extremely well organised, and the staff were helpful. I was really attracted to Coventry University London’s high rankings, location in the centre of the financial district and the quality of the course. I was not disappointed. If I had to describe the university in three words, it would be: modern, forward-thinking and welcoming."

Jimmy Winfield

What have you enjoyed the most?

"I’ve had a great experience here. My course includes lots of professional practice modules, and we get to hear from experts within the industry, such as the Head of Marketing for Arsenal Football Club, which is one of my favourite moments here. Everyone at the university is extremely helpful, knowledgeable and passionate about business, so in turn, the teaching standards are really high, and they invest in great facilities for students. It’s all made me feel really prepared for entering any area within the business sector."

Jimmy Winfield

Have you studied abroad or undertaken a work placement?

"I got to study in Madrid, Spain, for a whole year and it was an unforgettable experience. I learned Spanish and joined the university’s football team, which is a big hobby of mine, so that was incredible. Since I enjoyed the international experience so much, I then interned in Shanghai, China, for a digital marketing agency during the summer of 2019, on a British Council Scheme. I represented Western pop idols like Rihanna, NBA all-star CJ McCollum and Paris Hilton through Chinese social media.

When I first joined Coventry, I was shy, lacked confidence and didn’t achieve good grades or speak well in public. I am now about to graduate with first-class honours, having learnt Spanish during my year abroad and worked in China. I feel like I can achieve anything."

Jimmy Winfield

What’s it like studying in London?

"I feel like my course has really prepared me for the world of work and a large part of that is to do with the London location. The university and the city is very cosmopolitan and has something for everyone. The nightlife is excellent, and there is a big student community, especially for international students, so there’s always things to learn and discover."

Jimmy Winfield

Jimmy Winfield

Jimmy Winfield

Data & Cloud expert

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TEF Gold 2023