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Clearing will open on 5 July 2025. You can browse all courses starting in September 2025 to get an idea of what's on offer in your chosen subject area.

If you’re considering using Clearing to find a university course that’s right for you, you’ve come to the right place.

We’re one of the few universities to release our Clearing courses and entry criteria early, so you have time to do some research and make plans for your future.

This Ultimate Clearing Guide will tell you everything you need to know about Clearing at Coventry University.

What is Clearing?

Put simply, Clearing is a process that matches those who are looking for a university place for September 2025, with institutions that still have unfilled places.

If you’ve already applied for university, Clearing offers you the chance to change your mind and if you’ve not applied at all, you’ve still got time.

It is important to understand that university course spaces in Clearing constantly change, as places are released and filled.

You can only apply for one course at a time through Clearing.

Clearing dates 2025

30 June

UCAS main application closes

4 July

UCAS Extra closes

5 July

Clearing opens

14 August

A level results day (including BTEC)

Who is Clearing for?

Clearing is for you if:

  • you’ve not yet applied to university for this September
  • you didn’t receive any offers for the courses you’ve applied for
  • your results mean you didn’t meet the conditions of your offer(s)
  • you don’t want to accept the offer(s) you’ve had
  • you’ve changed your mind about where or what you want to study.

Clearing is open to everyone, whether you’re a UK or international student, a school leaver or a mature student (i.e. over 21 and returning after a break from full-time education).

International applicants

If you’re applying to study a course from outside of the UK, there are some differences in when you can start applying and the documentation you need.

Find out more about Clearing for international students.

Clearing Guide for Parents

Going through University Clearing can be difficult for a child so being a parent equipped with all the information can help. Learn how to support your child through the Clearing process.


How to enter Clearing

There are only three ways you can enter Clearing:

  1. Automatic release: if you are registered with UCAS, have made your choices but don’t meet the entry requirements, you will automatically be moved into Clearing. Keep checking your status for the notification.
  2. Self-release: if you’ve changed your mind about where or what you want to study, you can self-release yourself into Clearing by declining your firm place. We recommend that you call us first and get a provisional offer before you decline the offer you already hold.
  3. Late application: If you’ve decided that the time is right and you want to apply to university for the first time, then Clearing is for you.

How to prepare for Clearing

Register with UCAS

You’ll need to make sure you’re registered with UCAS. Registration gives you your unique UCAS personal ID number – keep this handy because you’ll need it when you make your Clearing call!

Make a shortlist

Make a list of possible courses and universities you’re interested in. Write down their contact details in your priority order. This will also save you time on results day.

Work out your UCAS points

Use our Tariff Calculator to get the points total your grades give you.

Consider entry requirements

Entry requirements can change during Clearing, so don’t rule out a course just because you don’t quite meet the entry requirements.

Don’t forget! A degree with foundation year might also suit your needs.
Get ahead of the game - explore our courses with a September 2025 start and their entry criteria.

Clear your diary

Clearing is a very competitive time of the year and it’s first come, first served.
Keep results day and the following days free so you don’t miss any opportunities.

Don’t forget about student finance

If you're going to fund your university studies with a UK student loan, make sure your loan application fits your Clearing choice. Read guidance on how to update your student finance application after Clearing.

Don’t forget about accommodation it only takes 5 easy steps to book a place to live.

  1. Make us your Clearing choice
  2. View our accommodation options
  3. Accept your offer
  4. Create an account on our accommodation booking site and select your choices
  5. Accept your accommodation offer and pay £90 as a deposit

Coventry University has guaranteed accommodation for all students who join us through Clearing, but it isn’t the same everywhere find out more. 

Get a feel for the place

Many universities offer Clearing Open Days where you can get a real feel for the vibe of the campus, the location and the people, above and beyond course content alone.


Your clearing call

Don’t panic and don’t rush - you’ve done your research and you’re ready to make the call.

Our team will talk to you about what you hope to study and work with you to find the course for you.

You’ll need these things to hand:

  • your UCAS number
  • your Clearing number
  • the grades of your A Levels, SQAs or equivalent
  • your UCAS points (from the tariff calculator) and GCSE grades (if you didn't make the grade in a particular A Level subject, a strong GCSE grade might help).

Prepare to answer some questions

Universities want to know you’re serious about studying with them. They’re not looking to catch you out but expect them to ask questions such as:

  • what qualifications do you have and where did you study?
  • why are you interested in this course?
  • why are you interested in studying with us?

Your answers will help our Clearing team find the best options for you.

Friday, 5 July 2025 is when Clearing opens and our dedicated team are ready to take your call. Clearing opens July 2025. 

While GDPR regulations prevent our Clearing team from seeing your exam results directly, they're still here to help you.

Remember, we’ll need to speak to you on the day, not a friend or family member.

During the call

Clearing teams are there to support you in making the right decision, so stay confident and don’t be afraid to speak honestly. The call is your opportunity to show a university that you have the enthusiasm and passion to study with them, so share any relevant work experience alongside your qualifications.

Universities are likely dealing with hundreds of calls at any one time, so be prepared to wait a short while. If a line is engaged, don't waste time – move on to your next option and try again later.

After you receive a Clearing offer to study with us, you will receive an email with what steps you’ll need to take next, including any deadlines.

Want to know what to expect when you apply though #Clearing?

We've created a mock call to give you an idea of what it will sound like to help you prepare and settle any nerves you may have.



What happens after I get an offer through Clearing?

We will send you a provisional offer email straight after the call. Once you’re ready to accept, add us as a Clearing choice in your UCAS application. Click 'add Clearing choice' and fill in the course details.

  1. We'll confirm your offer via UCAS, and it will show as an acceptance on your 'Choices' page in your application.
  2. We will then send you a welcome email with all the information you need to start your journey with us. This will include your student ID number, which you will need to use when applying for accommodation.
  3. If you have already applied for student finance, you will need to update your course and university details through your online account.
  4. It is also worth checking if there are any scholarships or bursaries available to help you fund your education. Find out more about scholarships and bursaries for UK students or international scholarships, bursaries and discounts.

Some universities might give you a deadline for applying for your course, so be sure to make a note and apply in time, otherwise you’ll lose out.


Course interviews during Clearing

Our course interviews during Clearing are designed to support you in making the right choices. Here are some tips to set you up for success:

Know your course

Demonstrate an understanding of the subject area you have applied for.

We have course-specific guides to course interviews during the main UCAS application period. Look at these to identify key information you need to know for your course

Highlight your achievements

Showcase what makes you a great candidate by helping us understand your motivations for applying to this course and the qualities that make you a great fit for your chosen profession.

Prepare questions for the interviewer

Think about anything you want to know about the course, the campus and support services. Getting answers to your questions will help you decide which university and course is right for you. Asking questions will also demonstrate your interest in studying at Coventry University.

Choose a quiet and well-lit room

If you have an online interview,- find a quiet, well-lit room free from distractions and background noise. Ideally, find a room with a closable door to minimise interruptions. We arrange the interview time with you, so ensure you accept a time when this is possible.

Be punctual and professional

Being on time is important. Show up for your interview at the right time and act professionally throughout. If something comes up and you can't make it, let the interviewer know as soon as possible - you can either reschedule or cancel.

Book the earliest slot you’re available for

Spaces on our interviewing courses fill up quickly, so please book an interview as soon as possible, for the earliest convenient slot.



Don't worry if your original plans haven't worked out, Clearing is a chance to find your perfect fit.

While time is important, there's no need to panic. Our Clearing team is here to help you explore the available courses that match your interests and aspirations.

Whether you’ve got a clear idea of where you want to be and what you want to study, or you’re keen to explore your options – we’re here to help.

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