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Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Course

This Business Management and Leadership degree is designed to help you establish key leadership skills, from managing people and resources to strategic planning.

Sport Performance and Coaching BSc (Hons) Course

Sports coaching and athlete development is an exciting and rewarding field which includes a range of employment opportunities across the sport and exercise industry.

Health and Social Care BA (Hons) Course

This Health and Social Care BA (Hons) course is composed of theoretical and practical learning modules that underpin the core concepts of healthcare.

Offer hub

We're excited to make you an offer to join us here at CU Scarborough. Discover your next steps and start your journey to a brighter future.

CU Scarborough supports NHS Event News

The facilities at CU Scarborough were opened for use by 250 NHS staff to undertake an afternoon of Protected Time for Learning (PTL).

How to enrol - new students

On this page, you will be able to access everything you need to know about enrolling with us, how to do it and why it’s so important.

Congratulations - CU Scarborough

Congratulations - CU Scarborough

Programming Unit and Database Design and Development Course

The Programming Unit and Database Design & Development module is one part of the Computing for England (Cyber Security) Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) course.

Book your place at our Open Event

Book your place at our Open Event on Saturday 12 April 10am to 2pm.

Open Events at CU Scarborough

Our Open Events provide a great opportunity for prospective students, their families and friends to see our learning facilities, meet our staff, find out more information about our courses and discover what life is like as a student at CU Scarborough.

Nursing Associate Foundation Degree Course

The Nursing Associate Foundation Degree and role gives you the chance to make a real difference to the quality of life and care of people in a wide range of healthcare settings.

Public Health and Community Studies BA (Hons) Course

The Public Health and Community Studies BA (Hons) course aims to provide you with the underpinning theoretical knowledge, professional expertise and work-based learning relevant to work within public health, and healthcare initiatives at local, national and international level.

Access to HE Diploma (Social Sciences) Course

The Access to Higher Education courses are designed as a route into higher education for adults who may not have the conventional educational requirements needed. This course sets out to offer a coherent, integrated and supported year of study in science. 

Access to HE Diploma (Sports Science) Course

This Access course is designed for adults who may not have the conventional educational requirements but would like an opportunity to enter a higher education course.

Computing Science BSc (Hons) Course

Our Computing Science BSc (Hons) course is designed to equip modern graduates to work in the exciting and growing field of computer science and introduce you to employment opportunities.

Acting BA (Hons) Course

The BA (Hons) Acting degree, delivered in collaboration with the world-famous Stephen Joseph Theatre (SJT) in Scarborough, aims to produce proactive professional actors.

Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) Course

The electro-mechanical engineering course has been designed to equip you with the intellectual and technical building blocks to kick-start your career in engineering.

Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons) Course

This degree combines theory and practical learning with clinical placements to lead you to professional registration and a rewarding career as a mental health nurse.

Sport Performance and Coaching BSc (Hons) Course

Sports coaching and athlete development is an exciting and rewarding field which includes a range of employment opportunities across the sport and exercise industry.

Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons) Course

The BA (Hons) Primary Education and Teaching Studies course aims to supply knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and skilled individuals to local and national school-centred teacher training institutions.