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How to enrol - new students

On this page, you will be able to access everything you need to know about enrolling with us, how to do it and why it’s so important.

Offer hub

We're excited to make you an offer to join us here at CU Scarborough. Discover your next steps and start your journey to a brighter future.

Community Coaching for England HTQ Course

The Community Coaching for England HTQ is a dynamic course designed to prepare you for a career in community coaching. Blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills, this course offers hands-on experience in real-world settings.

CU Scarborough supports NHS Event News

The facilities at CU Scarborough were opened for use by 250 NHS staff to undertake an afternoon of Protected Time for Learning (PTL).

Programming Unit and Database Design and Development Course

The Programming Unit and Database Design & Development module is one part of the Computing for England (Cyber Security) Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) course.

Congratulations - CU Scarborough

Congratulations - CU Scarborough

Raising a Concern or Making a Complaint

CU Scarborough - Information about how to complain or give complimentary feedback on good features of CU Scarborough.

Start Dates | CU Scarborough

To view our timetables and terms dates for the year, please see the part-time and full-time academic here.

Law and Practice LLB (Hons) Course

This LLB (Hons) degree aims to provide a thorough understanding of law and practice in the modern world.

Clearing 2025

Explore all the benefits CU Scarborough has and see how it can help prepare you for your future career.  

Sport Performance and Coaching BSc (Hons) Course

Sports coaching and athlete development is an exciting and rewarding field which includes a range of employment opportunities across the sport and exercise industry.

Cyber security experts call on Scarborough residents to learn how to protect themselves from digital criminals News

Cyber security experts from CU Scarborough - part of Coventry University Group - will share the tricks of their trade in a bid to help the people in the town equip themselves with ‘digital armour’ that can help safeguard them from scammers.

Jackie Mathers, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor at CU Scarborough, has offered her congratulations to A-Level, BTEC and T Level students on results day. News

Jackie Mathers, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor at CU Scarborough, has offered her congratulations to A-Level, BTEC and T Level students on results day.

What are Higher Technical Qualifications and the Modular Acceleration Programme?

The fast-paced Modular Acceleration Programme (MAP) and Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) offer a direct path to developing industry-focused skills. Designed to provide you with practical education and prepare you for a successful career, these might be the right path for you.

<span style="display: block; margin-top: 10px;">Start in September</span>

Start your degree at CU Scarborough in September 2020.

Who we are and what we do

Coventry University Publication Scheme

What our priorities are and how we are doing

What our priorities are and how we are doing 

Our policies and procedures

Our policies and procedures

Students Wishing to Raise a Complaint

At CU Scarborough we recognise that there might be times when students wish to raise concerns about the services that we provide

Non-Students Wishing to Raise a Complaint

At CU Scarborough we recognise that there might be times when members of the public wish to raise concerns about the services that we provide.