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Graduate Outcomes

What is it? 

The Graduate Outcomes survey is a national survey capturing information about the activities and perspectives of graduates (and other students) 15 months after they finish their studies.

Who is included?

All graduates who complete a higher education course in the UK will be asked to take part in the survey.

When will I be contacted?

We will contact you shortly before the survey begins to update your contact details. If you would like to let us know your current contact details now, that would be very helpful. Please complete our Contact details form.

You will be approached by the survey contractor to take part in the survey approximately 15 months after you have completed your course.

What is it for?

Your responses will be very useful to us here at Coventry University to help us evaluate and promote our courses, and to help current and future students gain an insight into career destinations and development.

The survey is also of national significance as it allows policy makers, charities, journalists, researchers and others to understand the higher education sector and the state of the graduate labour market.

Who is running the survey?

The survey is owned by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) and administered by a third party survey contractor in conjunction with universities/colleges.

What if I don’t want to take part?

If you do not wish to take part in the survey, please let HESA know by emailing, or you can let the survey contractor know when they contact you.

More information

More information about Graduate Outcomes.

More information about HESA.

Any questions? Please email

Keep in touch with the University

Remember that Coventry University Alumni Association is your alumni association and your lifelong link to the university, so make sure you’re making the most of your membership by taking advantage of the benefits on offer to you.

Help with careers

Although you have completed your course, our Talent Team remain available to help you with any career-related issues you have.

Choose the appropriate location to find the relevant information for you:

Career support at Coventry University

Career support at Coventry University London

Career support at CU Coventry and CU Scarborough

Career support at CU London

Please note, both the Alumni Team and the Talent Team are available to you, irrespective of whether or not you take part in the survey.

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