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International students under 18

The university takes the safety of our students very seriously and are founder members of the ProtectEd initiative which is a university membership demonstrating our commitment to our students’ safety, security and wellbeing. Up until their 18th birthday, students under 18 will also receive monthly contact from the university during term time to ensure there are no welfare issues or concerns.

Coventry University Group and its partners are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students. However, we are required by English law to take additional steps to meet the needs of our students who are under the age of 18.

If you are under 18, there are a number of steps that you are required to meet prior to being given permission to be admitted to the university.

As a parent or legal guardian, you should be aware that the majority of university facilities are intended for use by students aged 18 and over. As such, parents/legal guardians are required to accept responsibility for this and ensure that students under the age of 18 years understand and comply with arrangements for younger students. Before a student under the age of 18 joins their course, their parent or legal guardian must complete the consent form which can be downloaded using the link below. This can be submitted as part of your application process.

Download the policy and consent form

UK Educational Guardian requirement

Students who are under the age of 18 but do not have a parent or legal guardian based in the UK are required to inform the university of a UK-based Educational guardian. The UK-based Educational guardian will be their point of contact in the UK should an emergency situation arise. This guardian must be appointed through an AEGIS gold standard organisation. There may be additional costs for this service which will be paid for by the applicant.

Gold Standard approved AEGIS companies can be found on the AEGIS Accredited Guardianship Organisations & Member Schools page. AEGIS Preliminary Accredited Guardianship Organisations are also accepted.

Association of Educational Guardians for International Students (AEGIS) who inspect guardians to ensure they meet the required standards. These companies will be able to advise you on the cost of their services. The cost will be based on various criteria including how long it will be before the applicant's 18th birthday, which will be the length of time the Guardianship arrangement will be required for.

It is a requirement that an Educational guardian based in the UK is registered by all under 18 students enrolling with us. Should one not be available, this may delay and ultimately prevent enrolment.


Supporting you from day one

We offer lots of student services to cater to your individual needs so you can fully immerse yourself in the university experience, worry-free. Once you enrol you’ll be introduced to your Success Coach and Academic Tutor, who will support your personal and academic journey.

Meet your support team
Two students smiling and looking at a mobile phone.


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