Making your finances last throughout your time at university is important. Check out these top saving tips to stretch your money further!
Create a realistic budget that includes all your expected income and expenses. Stick to it and track your spending to avoid overspending. Try our handy budgeting tool.
Part-time jobs
Consider working part-time to supplement your income. Look for flexible jobs that won't interfere with your studies. Read more about finding part-time work.
Student discounts
Take advantage of student discounts and deals; you could save big on everything from textbooks to clothing. Check out our online and local discounts page.
Save energy
There are lots of simple energy-saving adjustments you can make, from fully loading appliances before turning them on to replacing old bulbs with LED bulbs. You can even save on heating costs by studying in the library!
Meal planning
Plan your meals and make shopping lists to avoid impulse purchases. Buy in bulk when possible and look for discounts on groceries. Try communal cooking with housemates.
Second-hand items
Buy second-hand textbooks, furniture, and other essentials to save money. Check online marketplaces, charity shops, and campus bulletin boards.
Financial aid and scholarships
Keep an eye out for additional financial aid opportunities and relevant scholarships. If you qualify for any, they could help reduce your financial burden.
Emergency fund
This is often the most overlooked but arguably the most important tip. Save a portion of your income as an emergency fund. This will help you cover unexpected expenses without you having to get into debt.
What’s it like living in Coventry?
From perspectives on accommodation costs to savvy advice on saving money and finding a bargain, hear firsthand from our students about the Coventry experience.
Student scenarios