How much does it cost to live and study in Coventry in 2025?
Below are some scenarios that will help you figure out how much you might need to budget while you’re studying with us. The students are examples, but all costs are correct as of January 2025.
Student living in university-owned halls
Taizen is living in university-owned halls and pays £150 per week for a 39-week contract. All his utility bills are included. He spends around £60 a week on food shopping, £4 for the gym and £3 for his phone bill.
Like all university-owned halls in Coventry, Taizen's hall is within walking distance of campus, cutting travel costs. As a first-year student, he enjoys socialising with his friends and spends an average of £20 a month.
Second-year student living in a private rental
Dhanashree lives a few miles from campus, sharing a rental house with three other friends. She pays £95 a week in rent with electricity, gas, water, broadband, TV licence, and contents insurance included.
As a food lover, she spends roughly £70 a week on groceries and eating out. Her phone bill is £8 per week and laundry is £5 per week.
To help cover her expenses, she works part-time as a student ambassador.
Full-time student living at home
Harleen lives at home whilst commuting to university, spending around £25 per week on public transport.
Her groceries cost her £60 per week and she spends £13 a week socialising. She pays £12 for her phone bill and £4 per week on TV subscriptions.
To help cover her expenses she has a part time job working 14 hours per week and has a student loan of £3000 per year.
Part-time student living at home
Emily is a part-time student and mother, living in her own home on the outskirts of Coventry. She drives to her lectures and pays £3 a day to park on campus. Her part-time childcare costs are around £138 per week.
She makes use of her student TOTUM card to save money on things like groceries, clothes shopping and other essentials, and also receives some financial childcare support. Her £45 a month smartphone contract has recently ended, so she is considering a much cheaper £10 a month SIM-only monthly rolling contract to save money.
After lectures, Emily takes advantage of free computer access in the university library, which she prebooks online. Depending on when her lectures are, she also makes regular use of one of the 15 food and drink outlets on campus, spending £10-15 a week on coffee and lunch.
As you can see, the cost of living as a student will depend on individual factors and likely change as you progress through university. Therefore, it is important to make a financial plan, stick to it, and regularly review your finances. Several budgeting tools are available to help you get started. We've also compiled top savings tips to help you stretch your money further.