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Professor Gideon Maas

Director International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship

International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Business and Law 

Twitter: @MaasGi 
LinkedIn Profile 


I am the Director of the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship at Coventry University. I have broad international business and academic experiences in various countries such as China, Europe and Africa.  Within the academic environment I have created various entrepreneurship centres at different universities over the past years, developed and implemented undergraduate and post-graduate modules and programmes focusing specifically on enterprise and entrepreneurship. 

I was previously the Director of Futures Entrepreneurship Centre and Professor in Entrepreneurship at Plymouth University; Director of the Institute of Applied Entrepreneurship at Coventry University; owner-manager of my own consulting company (South Africa); the first International Chair in Entrepreneurship in South Africa (South Africa and Ireland); Acting Dean and HOD at PE Technikon (South Africa); Head Centre for Entrepreneurship at the Stellenbosch University Business School (South Africa); and Economist at the First National Development Corporation (Namibia).  I am currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.  


  • PhD, Stellenbosch University, 1996
  • MBA, Stellenbosch University, 1989
  • B.Mil (Commercial Sciences), Stellenbosch University, 1983
  • Fellow HEA (UK), 2014

Research interests

My research focus and experiences are in entrepreneurship, open innovation, growth strategies, entrepreneurial universities, implementation of entrepreneurial systems and family businesses.  In this regard, I have supervised 7 completed doctorate degree students, acted as external examiner for 19 doctorate students, published books, journal articles, industry related research and conference proceedings. I am currently a Visiting Professor at Anglia-Ruskin University.  

Recent outputs and publications



  • Maas, G.J.P., and Diederichs, A. (2007) Manage family in your family business. Frontrunner Publishing (Pty) Ltd.  
  • Maas, G.J.P., and Jones, W.P. (eds.) (2015) Systemic entrepreneurship: contemporary issues and case studies.  Basingstoke: Palgrave.  

Chapters in books

  • Maas, G.J.P. and Maas, B. (2012) ‘The development of globally responsible entrepreneurial mindsets’.  In Social responsibility, entrepreneurship and the common good – International and interdisciplinary perspectives. Ed. by Bonanni, C., Lépineux, F., and Roloff, J. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 89-99.
  • Maas, G.J.P. (2013) ‘Entering the family business’. In Entrepreneurship: a South African perspective.  3rd edn. Ed. by Nieman, G., and Nieuwenhuizen, C. Van Schaik Publishers, 181-193.

Teaching modules 

  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurial leadership

Areas of Expertise

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Family business governance
  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurial universities
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