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Pro-Vice-Chancellor and CEO of Coventry University London, Professor Socrates Karidis, shares his views on the education and skills-related challenges currently facing the UK and the steps our new government needs to take in order to address them.
A Coventry University London student was invited to take part in a national event on students’ mental health alongside HRH Princess Beatrice.
Coventry University Ukrainian Society President invited to Downing Street reception News
The President of Coventry University’s Ukrainian Society was at 10 Downing Street for a special reception to mark the Orthodox New Year.
Young people in Ghana are benefiting from a range of skills training as part of a digital learning initiative started by a former Coventry University London student.
Coventry University Group to open School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health in London News
Coventry University Group to open School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health in London
Coventry University Group Clearing expert Rob McGowan shares his five top tips for students News
As Clearing hotlines gear up for floods of calls as A-Level and BTEC results are received, Rob McGowan - Coventry University Group Director of UK Student Recruitment and Admissions - shares his top tips to help applicants navigate the process.
10 things you need to know about Clearing News
Many students across England and Wales are set to get their exam results next week – but what do you do if you’ve not got the grades you needed or did better than expected? Dylan Cozens is a regional student recruitment manager at Coventry University and took time out to answer questions on everything you need to know about Clearing.
Students returning to Coventry University London News
Our students will soon be arriving to study and live in the Liverpool Street area and across central London. This year is going to look very different for all of us, and I understand that you may have concerns around the safe integration of students in our community. With that in mind, I want to reassure you that the safety of our students, staff and our surrounding communities is our absolute priority.
Coventry University Group to offer support to GSM students News
Following the announcement that the Greenwich School of Management (GSM) will be closing in September, both Coventry University London and CU London are assisting students in applying to study at their campuses.
LEAD returns to Coventry University London News
LEAD returned to Coventry University London last month, to promote professional and personal development among staff members.
Personal Tutoring Programme takes home top award at Coventry Excellence Awards 2019 News
Coventry University London's Personal Tutoring Programme took home the Student Support Initiative of the Year Award at the Coventry Excellence Awards 2019.
Staff take on students in first ever CUL football match! News
Coventry University London held its first ever staff-vs-student football match early last month.
University celebrates new location with Cutlers Exchange launch News
Coventry University London celebrated the opening of its newest location at Cutlers Exchange last month.
Coventry University London gains nine ACCA exemption accreditations on MSc Professional Accounting News
We’re proud to announce that we now have nine ACCA exemption accreditations on our MSc Professional Accounting and MSc Professional Accounting with Extended Professional Practice programmes.
Immi re-elected for second term as CUSU Campus Officer News
Coventry University London's current Campus Officer has been re-elected in the Coventry University Students' Union (CUSU) Spring Elections!
Ruijie takes home Oscar at this year’s MBA pitching finals! News
At this terms M059 pitching finals, it was Ruijie’s women’s fashion business that came out on top.
Hospitality and Tourism students raise over £800 for charity News
Coventry University London’s International Hospitality and Tourism Management students have raised over £800 for charity!
Cutlers Exchange is open for business! News
Cutlers Exchange, Coventry University London’s new location, is now open!
Sir Terry Leahy, Ex-Tesco CEO, inspires students with Q&A session News
Sir Terry Leahy, ex-CEO of Tesco Plc, visited Coventry University London earlier this month for an inspiring question and answer session.
Coventry University London becomes full member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools News
Coventry University London has taken its place among the UK’s prominent business education providers, as it has become a full member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS).