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Term Dates - Coventry University London
As part of our 10-year anniversary celebrations, we are collecting stories and memories from staff, students, alumni, partners and friends. We warmly invite you to help us celebrate our legacy by sharing your favourite Coventry University London moments.
As part of our 10-year anniversary celebrations, we are collecting stories and memories from staff, students, alumni, partners and friends. We warmly invite you to help us celebrate our legacy by sharing your favourite Coventry University London moments.
As part of our 10-year anniversary celebrations, we are collecting stories and memories from staff, students, alumni, partners, supporters and friends. We warmly invite you to help us celebrate our legacy by sharing your favourite Coventry University London moments.
As part of our 10-year anniversary celebrations, we are collecting stories and memories from staff, students, alumni, partners, supporters and friends. We warmly invite you to help us celebrate our legacy by sharing your favourite Coventry University London moments.
As part of our 10-year anniversary celebrations, we are collecting stories and memories from staff, students, alumni, partners and friends. We warmly invite you to help us celebrate our legacy by sharing your favourite Coventry University London moments.
As part of our 10-year anniversary celebrations, we are collecting stories and memories from staff, students, alumni, partners, supporters and friends. We warmly invite you to help us celebrate our legacy by sharing your favourite Coventry University London moments.
Lecturer and Deputy Course Director (MSc International Project Management)
Lecturer and Deputy Course Director (MSc Management)
Senior Lecturer and Course Director (BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Tourism Management)
Global Business MBA Course
Prepare for a successful career in business leadership and management roles within an international context.
Management MSc/PGDip/PGCert Course
Gain a broad, analytical and integrated understanding of business and international management, giving you the chance to learn the solid academic and practical foundations needed to thrive in your management career.
Global Business Management BA (Hons) Course
Develop a range of unique competencies and skills required to function as a manager or business leader in a global business environment.
Save £2,000 on your first year's course tuition fee for courses starting in January or May 2025 with our Early Payment Discount for international students.
Lecturer and Course Director (BA (Hons) Global Business Management)