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Safety and Security

Protecting the security and freedoms of citizens and of those most in need in society – whether they’re here in the UK or overseas – remains one of the foremost challenges we face. It’s a challenge Coventry University is tackling through research which not only reaches deep into communities across continents, but also explores and combats threats posed by technologies that have become integral to our way of life.

Our award-nominated research into the migration crises in the Mediterranean, led by some of the world’s leading experts in human security, is helping policymakers and the public understand and reassess the plight of refugees in southern Europe; our community-based work to eradicate female genital mutilation is producing award-winning prevention initiatives for girls and women at risk of becoming victims; and our cybersecurity researchers are pioneering cutting-edge ways to keep us – and our critical infrastructure – safe from ever more sophisticated online attacks.

These are just a few examples of the world-leading work being carried out through Coventry University’s research centres to address some of the safety and security challenges we’re confronted with in modern society. Find out more about them by exploring the case studies below.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023