The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has awarded Coventry University a £1.25 million Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) to deliver a five-year programme of...
More than £4 million of new hydrogen testing contracts have been secured within the Centre for Advanced Low-Carbon Propulsion Systems (C-ALPS) at Coventry University.
Coventry University is today launching the National Centre for Accessible Transport (NCAT) with the aim to make future and existing modes of transport accessible to all.
A campaign to highlight the importance dance research has led to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) making £500,000 available to researchers.
Coventry University researchers are calling for action to encourage more businesses to redistribute food that would otherwise go to waste.
Coventry University will play a key role in helping Coventry City Council improve the health of its residents through a five-year research collaboration.
Coventry University has been tasked with helping to change the face of transport for people with disabilities through a £20 million grant to create the UK’s first...
A leading online data privacy initiative led by Coventry University has won the ‘Best Innovative Privacy Project’, as part of the PICCASO.
Following an 8-year review, Coventry University has retained its HR Excellence in Research Award status from the European Commission.
A new research study led by Coventry University highlights the need for an overarching government policy on remote working to help level the playing field for disabled...
Coventry University’s work with a recycling firm to develop a green method for extracting precious metals from electronic waste has been recognised for its...
More than 40 Indonesian students are aiming to gain valuable experience with high-profile UK companies during a four-month stay with Coventry University.