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Funders and Partners


From small beginnings CAWR has built a robust and fruitful bidding strategy and plan which has resulted in a dramatic rise in funding grants secured by researchers in the Centre. These include: small grants which provide seed funding for Early Career Researchers such as Co-developing a Social Impact Toolkit for Community Food Businesses; medium sized funding pots, such as that granted by the New Venture Fund for the Women’s Communal Land Rights in Africa project and a number of multi-million Euro European Commission H2020 programme funded projects including Organic-PLUS, RECOMS and BOND.

The Centre has also been successful in securing grants from funders such as Research Councils, The Royal Society and The British Council as well as Knowledge Transfer Partnerships from Innovate UK. CAWR has 38 live projects underway across the UK and internationally. Many CAWR researchers are involved in these, either as Principal Investigator, co-researcher or partner to another organisation. The Centre has also secured grants for projects which fund PhD studentships and building networks of researchers for the future such as Managing Ash Dieback disease and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Wales.

Examples of CAWR funding:

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The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience drives innovative research for the understanding and development of resilient food and water systems throughout the world. 

Working with research partners in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe, CAWR will identify the policies, practices, institutions, and technologies needed to reverse destabilizing processes that adversely affect food and water security, community, and human well-being. Our emphasis on participatory processes ensures that the diverse knowledge of farmers, water users, indigenous peoples, and other citizens have a central place in our transdisciplinary inquiry. As such, CAWR's research is agenda setting and paradigm changing, with potentially major impacts on policy and practice.

Map and locations of strategic partners

Partner Map

We work with organisations all over the world. To explore some of our key strategic partners, view our map.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023