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Our Publications

Our Publications

CAWR staff and students publish over 90 peer reviewed papers and books per year, and the below books are just a small example of the outputs the centre produces. 

Agroecology Now Book Cover

Agroecology Now!

This new open access book develops a framework for advancing agroecology transformations focusing on power, politics and governance. It explores the potential of agroecology as a sustainable and socially just alternative to today’s dominant food regime. The authors analyse the conditions that enable and disable agroecology’s potential and present six ‘domains of transformation’ where it comes into conflict with the dominant food system.

Political Ecology, Food Regimes, and Food Sovereignty book cover

Political Ecology, Food Regimes, and Food Sovereignty

This book asks how we are to understand the relationship between capitalism and the environment, capitalism and food, and capitalism and social resistance. These questions come together to form a study of food regimes and the means by which capitalism organises both the environment and people to provision its distinctive system of ever-expanding consumption with food.

Urban Gardening as Politics book cover

Urban Gardening as Politics

While most of the existing literature on community gardens and urban agriculture share a tendency towards either an advocacy view or a rather dismissive approach on the grounds of the co-optation of food growing, self-help and voluntarism to the neoliberal agenda, this collection investigates and reflects on the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of these initiatives. It questions to what extent they address social inequality and injustice and interrogates them as forms of political agency that contest, transform and re-signify `the urban'.

Urban Pollutionbook cover

Urban pollution: Science and management

Multidisciplinary treatment of the urgent issues surrounding urban pollution worldwide Written by some of the top experts on the subject in the world, this book presents the diverse, complex and current themes of the urban pollution debate across the built environment, urban development and management continuum. It uniquely combines the science of urban pollution with associated policy that seeks to control it, and includes a comprehensive collection of international case studies showing the status of the problem worldwide.

Agroecology - Reweaving a New Landscape book cover

Agroecology: Reweaving a New Landscape

This book argues that sustainable development, based on sustained growth, has led us to an impasse. In response, Agroecology brings back and utilises notions of eco-development and co-evolution with nature as a refreshing paradigm. It also proposes a further shift in mindset with the notion of being within, or looking at agroecology as a way to reconnect and rebuild relationships and movement within farming systems and beyond.

Public Policies for Food Sovereignty Social Movements and the State book cover

Public Policies for Food Sovereignty: Social Movements and the State

The contributors to this book analyse diverse institutional processes related to food sovereignty, ranging from community-supported agriculture to food policy councils, direct democracy initiatives to constitutional amendments, the drafting of new food sovereignty laws to public procurement programmes, as well as Indigenous and youth perspectives, in a variety of contexts including Brazil, Ecuador, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Canada, USA, and Africa.

Mainstreaming Agroecology book cover

Mainstreaming Agroecology: Implications for Global Food and Farming Systems

In 2010, the Centre for Agroecology and Food Security (CAFS) was established to undertake applied research and education on agroecology as the underlying paradigm of sustainable agriculture. This approach is required not only to ensure that all the peoples of the world are fed, but also for humanity to avoid destroying the life support system and renewable resources upon which it depends.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023