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Study With Us

Study With Us

C-DaRE specialises in interdisciplinary artistic and scholarly dance research. Our researchers are experts in dance practice, performance, philosophy and analysis; the intersection between dance and digital technologies, cultural heritage, health and wellbeing, and legal and ethical frameworks; and the historical, cultural and political movements that have shaped dance today.

We welcome proposals and applications for postgraduate research either for Masters by Research (MRes) or PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). To discuss joining C-DaRE as a postgraduate researcher, please email

The postgraduate experience

Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) at C-DaRE get involved in activities like C-DaRE invites …, the biennial Dance and Somatic Practices conference, Beginnings research sharings, the practice research reading group (involving other research centres), a seminar series on practice research and professional development webinars that emerge from PGR needs: writing practices, note-taking, developing a book from a PhD, etc. These opportunities also help balance the more solitary aspects of doing postgraduate research.

Location and facilities

C-DaRE is located in the Institute for Creative Enterprise building in downtown Coventry and shares the space with the research centres for Postdigital Cultures; Arts, Memory and Communities; and Creative Economies. It is a convivial work space and staff are variously present depending on need and work demands. There is a PGR hot-desk workspace with access to computers; a large and flexible dance studio; meeting rooms for symposia and other gatherings; an archive room; a specialist library providing rare dance resources; and some specialist equipment for motion capture and video production and post-production.

Entry requirements

For details on the formal application process and forms, please see Making an Application.

Funded studentships

The Centre offers fully funded opportunities each year. Please note that if you are considering applying through Midlands4Cities that the process takes time and you should contact us at at least 6 months before the applications are due (normally in January each year).

Post-doc Fellowship Scheme

For PhD students with a successful track record and prompt completion, we offer the (competitive) opportunity to apply for a two-year post-doctoral position working on a project devised in collaboration with one of our researchers.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023