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Financial Innovation and Stability

The focus of our research in the Financial Innovation and Stability (FIS) theme is to provide evidence-based recommendations for evolving digital societies within the disciplines of accounting, finance and economics.

Focus of our research

With a wide range of expertise and skills, our people in this theme have various academic and professional backgrounds to conduct high quality research regarding the stability in the financial systems and markets and macroeconomic environment. We are also exploring some exciting opportunities and innovations in accounting, finance and economics particularly conducting research in new financial products and technologies.

The objective of the theme is to promote interdisciplinary research, studying in novel context the issues of financial innovation and markets’ stability that have relevance for the digital economy in areas of accounting, finance and economics. FIS aims to become a world-leading interdisciplinary research group in the area of digital society considering economic and financial stability. Specifically, our research branches into several mainstream issues and applies novel methodologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and other digital technologies to manage the challenges of the businesses. We undertake research that provides innovative and sustainable solutions to business problems while mitigating the associated risks, which helps us understand how source of risk to markets’ stability alter its interrelationship with the real economy and hence on sustainable policymaking.

Our research engages with experts from different academic disciplinaries, industries, businesses and international institutions such as Bank for International Settlements to resolve business and economic problems using the FinTech innovation. Specific areas of research interests include big data analytics and machine learning applications in finance & economics as well as the relevance of blockchains, digital finance & economics to market stability, gender equality, finance literacy, innovation, productivity, international trade, sustainable finance, poverty alleviation, social goods, competitiveness, crowdfunding and entrepreneurship.

The theme members adopt strong theoretical frameworks to address various research questions and use both primary & secondary data with advanced techniques to test empirically various hypotheses, which would have important implications for a digital society.

Academic staff

Name Title Research Interests
Professor Yilmaz Guney (lead) Professor of Finance Real investment and financing decisions of firms, corporate governance quality, behavioural corporate finance
Dr Thang Nguyen (co-lead) Assistant Professor of Finance Fintech, blockchain, decentralised finance, crowdfunding, entrepreneurship
Dr Jin Suk Park Associate Professor of Finance Instability in financial markets, price and volatility dynamics, economic and industrial development in East Asia and Africa
Dr Daniel Santamaria Associate Professor of Finance Financial economics, contagion, asset pricing models, global financial markets, money and fixed income markets
Dr Mehtap Hisarciklilar Associate Professor of Economics Labour and education economics; investment decision, location choice and host economy effects of foreign direct investment; firm innovation and firm performance

Project spotlights

A group of women from different professions

Empowering Women Leadership in Higher Education Towards Digitization and Globalisation Ages

The project aims at promoting women leadership in Vietnam HE by providing training and network to share knowledge and skills among UK, Vietnam and ASEAN University.

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