FCS seminars
The Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems bring together internationally recognised leaders in the fields of fluid mechanics, engineering, flow measurement, and statistical physics to deliver a number of seminars throughout the year to our community at the university. On this page you will find details of upcoming seminars, as well as an archive of past events.
2025 Seminars
Title: Multiphase Metering - A Digital Tool for Decarbonization
Speaker: Dr Sakethraman Mahalingam
Date: 30 January 2025
Title: Rolling and Sliding in Spreading Nanodroplets
Speaker: Dr Mykyta Chubynsky
Date: 14 February 2024
Title: From Diffusion to Wave Propagation in Low-Rm Magnetohydrodynamics: Theoretical and Experimental Study
Speaker: Dr Samy Lalloz
Date: 13 March 2024
Title: Dynamics of Warped Discs around Stars and Black Holes
Speaker: Dr Chris Nixon
Date: 20 March 2024
Title: Controlling the Drying-Induced Cracks in Aging Clay Suspensions
Speaker: Vaibhav Raj Singh Parmar
Date: 3 April 2024
Title: Investigating Phase Transitions with Machine Learning Methods
Speaker: Prof Biagio Lucini
Date: 4 April 2024
Title: Can Local Salt Gradients at Pore-Scale Impact Macroscopic Dispersion of Colloidal Particles in Disordered Porous Media?
Speaker: Dr Mamta Jotkar
Date: 24 April 2024
Title: Generating Tornado-Like Vortices in Coriolis-Centrifugal Convection
Speaker: Prof Susanne Horn
Date: 1 May 2024
Title: Experiments to Simulate Two-Phase Pipe Flow with Mixtures of Liquid and Dense Gas for Carbon Capture and Geological Storage Applications
Speaker: Prof Oscar Rodriguez
Date: 8 October 2024
Title: Challenges and Innovations in Multiphase Flow and Interface Measurement for Offshore Pre-salt Oil Fields in Brazil
Speaker: Luiz Octavio
Date: 4 November 2024
Title: A Journey to a Two-Temperature Model for Darcy-Benard Convection with Hyperbolic Heat Equation
Speaker: Dr Jacopo Gianfrani
Date: 20 November 2024
Title: Flows in Liquid Metal Batteries
Speaker: Prof. Caroline Nore
Date: 14 February 2023
Title: Thermodynamic Implications of Nonreciprocal Interactions
Speaker: Dr Sarah Loos
Date: 8 March 2023
Title: Unconventional Delocalization in a Family of 3D Lieb Lattices
Speaker: Prof Rudolf Roemer
Date: 22 March 2023
Title: Disorder Induced Non-Linearity During a Multi-phase Flow: An Approach through a Dynamic Pore Network Model
Speaker: Dr Subhadeep Roy
Date: 26 April 2023
Title: The Percolating Cluster is Invisible to Image Recognition with Deep Learning
Speaker: Djenabou Bayo
Date: 3 May 2023
Title: Geomagnetic Evidence of a Jet in Earth’s Core
Speaker: Prof Phil Livermore
Date: 10 May 2023
Title: An ultra-precise Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Calculation
Speaker: Prof Manus Henry
Date: 31 May 2023
Title: Topological Insulator Phases in 2D Materials
Speaker: Dr Vassilios Vargiamidis
Date: 7 June 2023
Title: Quantifying Rare Events in Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics using Tensor Networks
Speaker: Dr Schuyler Nicholson
Date: 6 September 2023
Title: Magnetic Divertor Configuration Influence on H-Mode Transitions
Speaker: Dr Yasmin Andrew
Date: 27 September 2023
Title: Topics in Stochastic and Quantum Thermodynamics
Speaker: Dr Alberto Imparato
Date: 4 October 2023
Title: Collective Organization in Cyanobacteria
Speaker: Prof Lucas Goehring
Date: 11 October 2023
Title: Epidemic-Like Dynamics in Open Quantum Systems with Absorbing States
Speaker: Dr Federico Carollo
Date: 25 October 2023
Title: Waves and Oscillations within the Internal Fluid Layers of a Rotating Star
Speaker: Dr Rekha Jain
Date: 15 November 2023
Title: How Can We Build a Theory of Quantum Critical Electron Fluids?
Speaker: Dr Chris Hooley
Date: 29 November 2023
Title: The Hydrodynamics of Many-Body Integrable Systems
Speaker: Prof. Benhamin Doyon
Date: 9 February 2022
Title: Dynamics of Active Fluids: Glassy Behaviour and Collective Fluctuations
Speaker: Robert Jack
Date: 30 March 2022
Title: Combining Complex Networks and Machine Learning for Image Classification and Outlier Detection
Speaker: Prof. Cristina Masoller
Date: 1 April 2022
Title: Insights from Non-Markovian Random Walks and Applications to Decision Modelling
Speaker: Dr Rosemary Harris
Date: 25 May 2022
Title: Roll-Waves in Mud: Experimental Study of the Stability of a Viscoplastic Fluid down an incline
Speaker: Dr Simon Dagois-Bohy
Date: 12th October 2022
Title: Direct Numerical Simulation of Open-Channel-Flow over a Heterogeneous Particle Bed at Low Relative Submergence
Speaker: Dr Shahzad Sarwar
Date: 26th October 2022
Title: Geometrical Clusters of the Multi-Replica Ising Model
Speaker: Mikhail Akritidis
Date: 2nd November 2022
Title: Nonlinear Numerical Simulations of Ttidal Flows in Convective Shells
Speaker: Dr Aurélie Astoul
Date: 9th November 2022
Title: Universality in the Two-Dimensional Dilute Baxter-Wu Model
Speaker: Alexandros Vasilopoulos
Date: 16th November 2022
Title: Torsional Oscillations in Jupiter
Speaker: Dr Kumiko Hori
Date: 23rd November 2022
Title: Challenges in Monitoring and Control of COVID-19
Speaker: Dr Lucas Böttcher
Date: 20 October 2021
Title: Quantum versus Thermal Annealing - the Role of Temperature Chaos
Speaker: Prof. Victor Martin-Mayor
Date: 17 November 2021
Title: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Colloids in Self-Interacting Fields
Speaker: Dr Benjamin Walter
Date: 24 November 2021
Title: Kalb-Raymond Classical Theory in Curved Spacetimes
Speaker: Prof. Bertrand Berche
Date: 26 November 2021
Title: Introduction to Machine Learning Towards the Understanding of Reservoir Computing
Speaker: Dr Hugo Tschirhart
Date: 1 December 2021
Axisymmetric dynamo action is possible with anisotropic conductivity
Speaker: Franck Plunian (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Date: Wednesday 4 November 2020
Intermittencies in transitional and turbulent channel flow
Speaker: Rishav Agrawal (Coventry University)
Date:Wednesday 21 October 2020
Information length analysis of linear autonomous stochastic processes
Speaker: Adrian Guel Cortez
Date: Thursday 15 October 2020
Numerical modelling of convective mixing in CO2 storage
Speaker: Emmanuel Luther
Date: Thursday 15 October 2020
Instabilities and transition behaviours in stratified-rotating flows and high-speed boundary layers
Speaker: Junho Park (Coventry University)
Date: Wednesday 30 September 2020
Tokamak plasma studies
Speaker: Yasmin Andrew (Imperial College London)
Date: Wednesday 8 July 2020
Parallel implementation of clustering algorithms in reconfigure hardware
Speaker: Leonardo Alves Dias
Date: Tuesday 12 May 2020
(Magnetohydrodynamic) Turbulence and beyond: Shear flows, self-organisation, etc
Speaker: Eun-jin Kim (Coventry)
Date: Wednesday 29 April 2020
Optimisation of conformal cooling channels for rapid prototyped mould inserts
Speaker: Tongyan Zeng
Date: Monday 6 April 2020
Analysis and application of advanced algorithm for aeronautical flows
Speaker: Spencer J. Sherwin (Imperial College London)
Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020
Optical modelling and design optimization of Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) systems
Speaker: Gayan Siri
Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020
Magnetic braking of planetary jet flows
Speaker: Ashna Aggarwal
Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020
Maths, Myths and Metricide: Evaluation of quality and quality of evaluation
Speaker: Ralph Kenna (Coventry University)
Date: Wednesday 12 February 2020
Title: Unknown
Speaker: Liang Yuancheng
Date: Wednesday 12 February 2020
Title: Unknown
Speaker: Madeleine Janickyj
Date: Wednesday 12 February 2020
Transition and decay in poiseuille, couette and couette-poiseuille flow
Speaker: Tom Mullin (Oxford)
Date: Wednesday 29 January 2020
Fractional order controllers for irrational systems
Speaker: Adrian Guel Cortez
Date: Thursday 5 December 2019
Title: Unknown
Speaker: James Heseltine
Date: Thursday 5 December 2019
Stochastic field equations for an alternating steady state
Speaker: Richard Blythe (Edinburgh)
Date: Wednesday 4 December 2019
Relaxation augmented free energy perturbation
Speaker: Ying-Chih Chiang (Southampton)
Date: Wednesday 30 October 2019
Magnetization plateaus, susceptibility, specific heat and thermal entanglement for Ni containing materials
Speaker: Nerses Ananikian (Yerevan)
Date: Wednesday 23 October 2019
Why the world is simple
Speaker: Ard A. Louis (Oxford)
Date: Wednesday 16 October 2019
Hysteresis of two-phase flow in disordered media
Speaker: Ran Holtzmann (Coventry University)
Date: Wednesday >9 October 2019
Towards high-fidelity industrial fluid dynamics simulations at high order
Speaker: David Moxey (Exeter)
Date: Wednesday 2 October 2019
Water cut determination in liquid-liquid flow using electrical capacitance metering
Speaker: Yessica Arellano
Date: Wednesday 1 July 2019
Title: Two-layer shallow water theory of strong internal bores
Speaker: Gerasimos Politis
Date: 6 December 2018
Title: Wind turbine operation in cold climates
Speaker: Dimitar Stoyanov
Date: 6 December 2018
Title: Numerical modelling of convective mixing in CO2 storage
Speaker: Emmanuel Luther
Date: 15 November 2018
Title: Effects of mirror geometry on the optical efficiency of a Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR)
Speaker: Malambaga Sirimanna
Date: 1 November 2018
Title: FCS Research Symposium 2018
Date: 26 September 2018
Download symposium agenda
Title: Numerical investigation and modelling of the combustion of biogas/syngas/natural gas fuel mixtures with EGR
Speaker: Raguram Nagarajan
Date: 26 July 2018
Title: Exact coherent structures in plane Couette flows
Speaker: Daniel Olvera
Date: 26 July 2018
Title: Stability of stably stratified flow in a curved geometry
Speaker: Abhishek Kumar
Date: 12 July 2018
Title: Investigating the effect of caprock rugosity, slope and well-placement on carbon storage
Speaker: Masoud Ahmadinia
Date: 12 July 2018
Title: Numerical study of the transition to turbulence in particulate pipe flow
Speaker: Anthony Rouquier
Date: 28 June 2018
Title: Developing new techniques to accelerate CO2 dissolution in formation brine
Speaker: Mohsen Abbaszadeh
Date: 28 June 2018
Title: Effects of depositional settings on CO2 storage
Speaker: Azadeh Pourmalek
Date: 14 June 2018
Title: Analysis of CO2 leakage through well cements
Speaker: Jon Brons
Date: 14 June 2018
Title: Numerical and experimental analysis of CO2 leakage through well cements
Speaker: Mohammadreza Bagheri
Date: 31 May 2018
Title: A classical short-range equilibrium spin model with a phase transition in 1D
Speaker: Petro Sarkanych
Date: 3 May 2018
Title: The Influence of particles on the transition to turbulence
Speaker: Anthony Rouquier
Date: 26 January 2018
Title: Multiphase flow measurement in oil and gas industry
Speaker: Yessica Arellano
Date: 26 January 2018
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