Our publications
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Here is a selection of our publications. To see the full list, please visit the PURE portal.
Title | Journal | Author(s) |
Bayesian Emulation for Computer Models with Multiple Partial Discontinuities | Bayesian Anal. Advance Publication 1-31 (2024). | Ian Vernon, Jonathan Owen, Jonathan Carter |
An ultra-precise Fast Fourier Transform | Measurement: Sensors, 32, Article 101039 (2024). | Manus Henry |
Building Billion Tap Filters: Prism Signal Processing | IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 15(4), 28-34 (2021). | Manus Henry, John Owen |
The relation between dissipation and memory in two-fluid displacements in disordered media | Geophysical Research Letters, 50(16) (2023). | Ran Holtzman, Marco Dentz, Ramon Planet, Jordi Ortin |
Emergence of dissipation and hysteresis from interactions among reversible, non-dissipative units: The case of fluid-fluid interfaces | Physical Review Fluids, 9(6), Article 064001 (2024). | Ran Holtzman, Marco Dentz, Marcel Moura, Mykyta V. Chubynsky, Ramon Planet, Jordi Ortín |
The Elbert range of magnetostrophic convection. I. Linear theory | PROC. R. SOC. - A., 478(2264), Article 20220313 (2022). | Susanne Horn, Jonathan M. Aurnou |
Unravelling the large-scale circulation modes in turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection | EPL (Europhysics Letters), 136(1), Article 14003 (2022). | Susanne Horn, Peter J. Schmid, Jonathan M. Aurnou |
Phase transitions above the upper critical dimension | SciPost Physics Lecture Notes, 60 (2022). | Bertrand Berche, Tim Ellis, Yurij Holovatch, Ralph Kenna |
Narrative structure of A Song of Ice and Fire creates a fictional world with realistic measures of social complexity | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 11, 46, p. 28582-28588 7 p. (2020) | Thomas Gessey-Jones, Colm Connaughton, Robin Dunbar, Ralph Kenna, Pádraig MacCarron, Cathal O'Conchobhair, Joseph Yose |
Time-dependent probability density function analysis of H-mode transitions | Europhysics Letters, 142(6), Article 64001 (2023). | Hiro J. Farre-Kaga, Yasmin Andrew, Jamie Dunsmore, Eun-jin Kim, Terry L. Rhodes, Lothar Schmitz, Zheng Yan |
Information Length Quantification and Forecasting of Power Systems Kinetic Energy | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37(6), 4473-4484 (2022). | Harold R. Chamorro, Adrian Guel-Cortez, Eun-jin Kim, Francisco Gonzalez-Longat, Alvaro Ortega, Wilmar Martinez |
Heat transport enhancement and flow transitions in partitioned thermal convection | Physical Review Fluids, 8(4), Article 043501 (2023). | Prabir Kumar Kar, Ujjwal Chetan, Abhishek Kumar |
Systematic comparison between the generalized Lorenz equations and DNS in the two-dimensional Rayleigh–Bénard convection | Chaos, 31(7), Article 073119 (2021). | Junho Park, Sungju Moon, Jaemyeong Mango Seo, Jong Jin Baik |
How tidal waves interact with convective vortices in rapidly rotating planets and stars | Astronomy and Astrophysics, 673, Article A6 (2023). | V. Dandoy, J. Park, K. Augustson, A. Astoul, S. Mathis |
Subcritical transition to turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional shear flows | Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 963 (2023). | Christopher Camobreco, Alban Potherat, Gregory J. Sheard |
Magnetic Taylor-Proudman Constraint Explains Flows into the Tangent Cylinder | Physical Review Letters 133, 184101 (2024). | Alban Potherat, Kelig Aujogue, Francois Debray |
Fractality of metal pad instability threshold in rectangular cells | J. Fluid Mech., 915, Article A101 (2021). | Gerasimos Politis, Janis Priede |
On the role of numerical diffusivity in MHD simulations of global accretion disc dynamos | Journal of Plasma Physics, 90(1), Article 905900101 (2024). | C.J. Nixon, C. C.T. Pringle, J.E. Pringle |
Entanglement gap in 1D long-range quantum spherical models | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 56(24), Article 245002 (2023). | Sascha Wald, Raul Arias, Vincenzo Alba |
Entanglement dynamics of a hard-core quantum gas during a Joule expansion | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 55(37), Article 375301 (2022). | Filiberto Ares, Stefano Scopa, Sascha Wald |