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CSM team

The Centre for Computational Science and Mathematical Modelling takes pride in its vibrant and diverse team of researchers, staff and student, as well as a supportive team of administrators, visiting academics, and advisory board members. If you are interested in collaborations or want to speak to someone about PhD opportunities, please get in touch with our staff under the relevant theme.

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Leadership and operational team

Matthew England smiling in photoshoot

Professor Matthew England

Co-Director, CSM

Lorna Everall smiling in photoshoot

Lorna Everall

Head of Research Management Administration & Projects, CSM

Portrait of James Brusey with grey background

Professor James Brusey

Co-Director, CSM

Joel Gibbs smiling during photoshoot

Joel Gibbs

Research Support Manager

Research team

AI for Cyber-Physical Systems

Name Role Contact Key research
Dr Abdorasoul Ghasemi Associate Professor

Complex networked systems, Cyber-physical energy systems, Resilient infrastructure networks, self-organized systems, AI/ML and optimization

Dr Alison Halford Assistant Professor Energy poverty, AI and Ethics, Data Feminism, Inclusive design frameworks
Prof. Elena Gaura Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor Research AI, Cyber Physical Systems, Data-to-knowledge Pipelines, Energy Systems, Socio-Technical Design
Prof. James Brusey Professor of Computer Science Reinforcement Learning, Wireless Sensor Networks
Dr Johnathan Nixon Associate Professor Renewable Energy; Systems Modelling; Optimisation; Energy Management Systems; Multi-criteria Decision Analysis
Dr Saurav Sthapit Assistant Professor IoT, Reinforcement Learning, Cyber Physical Systems, Cyber-Security and Deep Learning

Fundamental Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

Name Role Contact Key research
Dr AmirHosein Sadeghi Manesh Research Fellow Applied and Computational Algebraic Geometry, Computer algebra, Mathematical Biology, Population Dynamics, Chemical Reaction Network Theory
Dr Fei He Associate Professor Nonlinear Signal Processing, Control Systems Engineering, Deep Learning, Computational Neuroscience, Systems Biology
Prof. Matthew England Associate Professor and Theme Lead Computer Algebra / Symbolic Computation, Data Science for Algorithm Optimisation, Quantifier Elimination, Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), Applied Algebraic Geometry

Machine Learning for Computational Vision and Natural Language Processing

Name Role Contact Key research
Prof. Vasile Palade Professor of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Machine Learning and Applications; Deep Learning; Computer Vision; Autonomous Driving; Natural Language Processing
Dr Pengpeng Hu Assistant Professor Biometrics, Measurement, Point cloud processing, Deep learning, 3D body scanning

Postgraduate researchers

AI for Cyber-Physical Systems Postgraduate Researchers

Name Director of Studies Thesis Title
Abhishek Kallarappayi Jonathan Nixon Intelligent wind turbines for cold climates
Adeen Qazi Alison Halford Beyond cook stoves and solar lanterns: the role of renewable energy inventions in addressing gender inequality in the displaced setting
Aniket Dixit James Brusey Sensor Anomaly Detection using Reinforcement Learning
Cong Zhou Saurav Sthapit AI-IoT: Artificial Intelligence Towards Reliable, Resilient and Timely Internet of Space Things
Faizan Ahmad James Brusey Smooth Robotic Reinforcement Learning
Ihsan Haq Saurav Sthapit Using wearable sensors for analysing awkward postures in construction workers
Sokipriala Solomon Jonah James Brusey Accelerating The Convergence Of Artificial Intelligence And The Internet Of Wearable Thing

Fundamental Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence Postgraduate Researchers

Name Director of Studies Thesis Title
Abiola Babatunde Matthew England Exploiting Domain Structures in Heuristic Algorithms for the Set Covering Problem
Daniel Flood Matthew England Measuring, Understanding and Improving Student Engagement in Programming Teaching
David Oyebisi Matthew England Opportunities and Challenges of Generative AI in Higher Education: A Case Study of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Practices in the United Kingdom
Mohamed Ahsan Mohamed Mafaz Matthew England Adaptive Control of a Quadcopter UAV against Model Uncertainties, External Perturbations and Faults
Rashid Barket Matthew England Use of machine learning technology to improve symbolic simplification and integration in the Maple computer algebra system, without risking their mathematical correctness
Sivasharmini Ganeshamoorthy Fei He Computational biology and gene network inference: study the effects of diurnal asymmetric warming on plant defence and growth
Stephan Goerttler Fei He Network Inference And Machine Learning: Understanding Brain Connectivity And Neurological Disorders
Uzma Shafiq Matthew England Explainable AI for Computational Algebra

Machine Learning for Computational Vision and Natural Language Processing Postgraduate Researchers

Name Director of Studies Thesis Title
Amirkazem Kayhani Vasile Palade Model-Based Security For Automotive Systems
Ankur Deo Vasile Palade Efficient Machine Learning For Car Situational Awareness
David Oyebisi Vasile Palade Opportunities and Challenges of Generative AI in Higher Education: A Case Study of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Practices in the United Kingdom
Emran Ali Fei He A Machine Learning Based Analysis Of Sleep Patterns In Aging Using Physiological Signals
James Donnelly Alireza Daneshkhah A Novel Predictive Model For Extreme Climatic Events: Application Of Catastrophe Modelling In Evaluating Environmental Hazard And Vulnerability
Julia Wieczorek Vasile Palade Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing For The Assessment of Depression Symptoms
Kaidong Wu Fei He Nonlinear system identification and deep learning for neurodegenerative disease detection
Maria Tariq Vasile Palade Automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy in eye fundus images
Michael Ajao-Olarinoye Vasile Palade Effective Algorithm for infectious disease resources allocation applied to the covid 19 pandemics
Opeoluwa Akinseloyin Vasile Palade Mining Biomedical Publications To Defeat Pandemic: Identifying Relational Knowledge Between Scientific Claims
Ruchita Mehta Vasile Palade Multi-sensor and ai enabled system design for remote monitoring of physiological signals and activities in covid-19 imposed conditions
Sara Sardari Alireza Daneshakah Activity Recognition Using Digital Frame Streams For Monitoring Rehab Period
Shruti Nair Vasile Palade Sustainable Cultivation Modelling Based On Remotely Sensed Images For Monitoring Environmental Consequences Of Climate Change
Susanta Ghosh Vasile Palade Multimodal drone localisation and navigation in GPS deprived areas
Suleiman Yakubu Vasile Palade Estimating the Economic impact of Mental Health effects due to Flooding using Advanced Bayesian Machine Learning methods

Visiting researchers

Name Home institution  Position at CSM
Dr Arit Bishwas PricewaterhouseCooper (US), India Honorary Research Fellow 
Dr Ben Robinson Nottingham University, (UK) Honorary Research Fellow
Dr Florescu Dorian Imperial College London, (UK) Honorary Research Fellow
Prof. James Davenport University of Bath, (UK) Visiting Professor
Kang Youngshin Kwangwoon University, (South Korea) Visiting PhD Student
Dr Kojo Gyamfi Loblaw Companies Limited, (Canada) Honorary Research Fellow
Maoshan Liu Jiangnan University, (China) Visiting PhD Student
Dr Sara Sharifzadeh Swansea University, (UK) Honorary Research Fellow
Dr Simon See NIVIDIA, (Singapore) Visiting Professor
Dr Stavros Christopoulos University of Huddersfield, (UK) Visiting Research Fellow
Prof. Subhas Mukhopadhay Macquarie University, (Australia) Visiting Professor
Dr Sujan Rajbhandari Bangor University, (UK) Honorary Research Fellow
Dr Uche Abiola Onyekpe York St John University Visiting Researcher
Dr ZindongaMukandavire Emirates Aviation University, (UAE) Honorary Research Fellow

Advisory board

Name Role Organisation
Brian Millington Former Managing Director TUV NEL Ltd
Danilo Mandic Professor Imperial College London
Simon See Senior Director NIVIDIA AI Technology Centre
Helene Piet-Lahanier Scientific Deputy ONERA
 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023