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Nursing Now Challenge

Led by Professor Lisa Bayliss Pratt, Nursing Now Challenge works with health employers, universities and colleges around the world to create leadership development opportunities for student and early-career nurses and midwives, offering them the opportunity to be part of a global movement to support nurses and midwives as leaders, and advocates in health.

Professor Lisa Bayliss-Pratt

Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor

Coventry University and Programme Director for the Nursing Now Nightingale Challenge

Professor Lisa Bayliss-Pratt

About The Nursing Now Challenge

The Nursing Now Challenge seeks to demonstrate that nursing and midwifery are exciting and rewarding careers in order to improve recruitment and retention and strengthen health systems and access to health globally. Investing in student and early-career nurses and midwives is essential if we are to succeed in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Nursing now challenge logo.

The Nursing Now Challenge works to raise the profile, power and potential of student and early-career nurses and midwives globally by…

  • Working with healthcare employers, universities and colleges to support leadership capacity, building, advocacy and improved clinical skills training
  • Creating a global network of support
  • Establishing partnerships to amplify best practices

In order to support participating organisations, students and early-career nurses and midwives, the Nursing Now Challenge offers regular thematic webinars with high-level global experts, facilitating discussion with the early-career nursing and midwifery community and giving them the opportunity to share their experiences and perspectives. The Nursing Now Challenge also offers participants a suite of online resources to support their leadership development journey and facilitate cross-country peer-to-peer learning.

Through the Nursing Now Challenge Global Solutions Initiative, the Nursing Now Challenge facilitates opportunities for the next generation of nursing and midwifery leaders to showcase their innovative ideas, creativity and entrepreneurship. Finally, the Challengers’ Committee allows them to put these skills into practice – challenging the status quo and forging the future of nursing and midwifery.

Learn more about the Nursing Now Challenge

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