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Public Health, Inequalities and Behavioural Sciences

The Public Health, Inequalities and Behavioural Sciences cluster is about promoting health and wellbeing and tackling health inequalities within communities from the individual to societal level.

About the theme

Research within this cluster builds on Coventry University's long-standing relationship with local authorities and wider organisations (including Integrated Care Boards and the Voluntary Sector) to lead research promoting public health and wellbeing, address health inequalities and use behavioural sciences.

We have a great opportunity to meet the needs of a diverse population and we aim to place people at the centre of our approaches and interventions when we promote better health. We encompass a broad range of disciplines and methodological expertise ranging from qualitative exploration to definitive randomised controlled trials and meta-synthesis.

We particularly seek to:

  • Capitalise on asset-based approaches
  • Take into account the wider determinants of health
  • Co-develop preventative interventions
  • Use behavioural science knowledge and understanding across all of our work

Project list

Cluster staff

Professor Deborah Lycett

Dr Maxine Whelan

Professor Amanda R Amorim Adegboye

Honorary Staff 

Dr Riya Patel

Dr Jack Birch

Lauren Bell


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