About CPS
Drawing on a strong track record of research in integrated peacebuilding, trust and social and community relations, the Centre exemplifies Coventry University’s long-standing commitment to research that makes a strong impact on society and on the security and quality of life of ordinary people worldwide.
The Centre for Peace and Security (CPS) is distinctive both in terms of the research undertaken and the approaches used. It is a truly multi-disciplinary Centre and by drawing from academic disciplines, knowledge and skills across the social sciences and beyond, we tackle many of the most critical and sensitive contemporary challenges facing society. Our reputation for working holistically and unfettered by disciplinary boundaries has already attracted world-leading scholars to visit and establish collaborations.
Our values
The Centre for Peace and Security has a commitment to valuing diversity, collaboration, constructive dialogue and support between its members and partners. We strive to respond to the complex challenges facing contemporary societies, with research underpinned by integrity, courage and excellence. Our expert team of ambitious researchers creates opportunities for research that have positive impacts on the groups and institutions they engage with. Find out more about our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Our approach
Our research is grounded in the needs of the individuals, communities and organisations it serves, and focuses on bringing people together and providing new evidence, ideas and ways of thinking to help them in responding to the issues they face. We have many active partnerships beyond academia with community groups, faith groups, governments and the corporate sector. We employ a range of innovative and participatory research methods with the objective of handing power from the researcher to research participants, enabling them to influence practice and policy development through evidence-based approaches.
Our research funding comes from a wide range of sources, including UK research councils, the European Commission, NATO, the United Nations, national governments, the British Council, and a host of community and special interest organisations and charities based around the world. If you'd like to find out more about the centre, you can download our annual reports:
Our Leadership
Jackie Carter
Head of Research Management and Administration
James Malcolm
Director of Postgraduate Research
Our staff
We have a team of over 50 full-time research staff supported by professional support staff. Most of our staff have worked internationally and many have experience in the field before joining us as academic researchers. Our staff are extremely well-connected and are called upon to contribute their expertise on the national and international stage, as advisers to governments and international bodies or at conferences worldwide.
Contact us
If you'd like more information on the Centre for Peace and Security, please email us.