CPS Staff
The Centre for Peace and Security is a multi-disciplinary research centre that tackles many of the most critical and sensitive contemporary challenges facing society. We have more than 90 staff members and more than 50 PhD students conducting research around the world.
Within the Centre for Peace and Security we have teams working across a number of research themes including Peace and Conflict; Migration, Displacement and Belonging; Security and Resilience; Governance, Leadership and Trust; Inclusion, Equality and Sustainability; and Faith and Peaceful Relations.
Professional Services
Name | Job Role | Email Address |
Heather Baggaley | Research Support Officer | ad0013@coventry.ac.uk |
Faye Brown | Research Project Manager | ab6664@coventry.ac.uk |
Jackie Carter | Head of Research Management and Administration | ac7923@coventry.ac.uk |
Sam Carter | Research Project Manager | ab7617@coventry.ac.uk |
Lizzie Cook | Research Impact Officer | ae2212@coventry.ac.uk |
Gwenith Cross | Research Support Manager | ac9604@coventry.ac.uk |
Tom Fisher | Impact and Development Manager | ab1010@coventry.ac.uk |
Ina Grebliunaite-Reddy | Research Funding and Development Officer | ac8438@coventry.ac.uk |
Max Kirvan | Research Funding and Development Co-ordinator | ad9553@coventry.ac.uk |
Susie Maugham | Research Funding and Development Manager | ac2130@coventry.ac.uk |
Geetha Neelakantan | Research Finance Manager | ac1305@coventry.ac.uk |
Academic Staff
Name | Job Role | |
Richard Dickson | Project Manager | ac7340@coventry.ac.uk |
Sinead Ouillon | Programme Leader (Coventry City-University Initiative) | aa2981@coventry.ac.uk |
PhD Researchers
Name | Thesis Title | Email Address |
Meryem Abdelhafid | How it Feels Like: The Lived Experiences of Veiled and Unveiled Algerian Muslim Women in the UK | abdelha4@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Alfiatunnur Abdurrahman | Life Cycle Role And Performance Of The Educational Leaders Post Conflict And Disaster In Aceh Indonesia | abdurrahma@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Siham Aboujanah | Transformational change and its impact on employee well-being and OCB. A longitudinal study in a safety-critical environment |
aboujans@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Abdulla Rashed Sultan Bin Qaba Almheiri | Supporting sustainable development through resilience; the case of Dubai | Almheir7@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Akinboboye Alonge | Mediating Chaplaincy: The Online Mediation of Multi-Faith University Chaplaincy in the Immediate Post-COVID19 Pandemic Period 2020 to 2022 | alongea@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Khaled Nagi Hussin Alosaimi | Community-Driven Reconstruction, Empowerment and Identity in Post-Conflict Transition: A case study of Yemen | Alosaimk@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Eylül Atalay | Examining conspiracy beliefs through socio-existential motives and group processes | atalaye@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Solenne Avet | The cognitive Sources of ethical Behaviour in Business | avets@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Mohammad Rashed Alam Bhuiyan | In what ways do migration intermediaries contribute to precarity and inequality in labour migration? Case study of Bangladesh to Malaysia migration corridor |
bhuiyanm2@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Michael Bush | Violence, Protest and Resistance to COVID-19 Policies | bushm@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Eko Nur Cahyo | The Role of Distributed Leadership for the WAQF Management at the Pesantren (Islamic Educational Institution) (Case Study of three prominent Pesantren in East Java, Indonesia) | cahyoe@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Lee Matthew Daly | A No for Now: Voter Behaviour in Peace Referendums | dalyl@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Joseph James Davies | Pandemics as a Non-traditional Maritime Security Challenge - Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Maritime Trade and Border Management | daviesj14@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Abunur Muslehuddin Faradhi | Exploring concepts of and approaches to integration among Muslims in Sri Lanka, South Africa and the UK | faradhia@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Ahyani Fitri | Creating A Culturally Specific Intervention to Improve Multi-Hazard Seismic Preparedness in Indonesia | fitria@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Ulya Fuhaidah | Salafi Movement in Jambi Indonesia: History, Politics, and Social Implication | asnawiu@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Anna Teresa Malet Gillions | Structures of Shame: Exploring the impact of different kinds of shame on the relationship between marginalisation and violence. | gillion2@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Kate Gray | Theology, Poverty and the Common Good in ‘Breadline Britain’: An Analysis of Christian Activism since the 2008 Financial Crash | grayk10@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Zsofia Hacsek | Understanding dignity in the context of women and vulnerability | hacsekz@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Saad Halawani | Palestinian Municipalities And Environmental Protection Study Of Policies And Leadership | halawanis@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
M Hudri Hudri | The Influence of Muhammadiyah's Salafiyah on Promoting Wasatiya Islam (Moderate Islam | hudrim@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Hafza Iqbal | To explore the journey that Sufis have taken, from the Indian subcontinent in the twentieth century, to modern day Britain | iqbalh15@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Jen Johnson | Beyond the Foodbank: An Analysis of Faith-Based Responses to Hardship in the UK | johnson24@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Ismail Jumale | The Search for Peace: External or Internal Mediators? The Case of Somalia’s Peace Conference held in Kenya in 2002-2004 and the Puntland Community Consultative Conference held in Garowe in 1998 | jumalei@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Rose Kobusinge | Towards Sustainable Energy Futures for Displaced Communities | kobusinger@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Edison Lami | Applying Modern Business Management Practices in Government of Developing Countries: A Case of Albania | lamie@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Karl Landstrom | Walking the talk – Towards epistemically just social science research practice and governance | landstrk@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Rachael Leggett | Public conceptualisations and stories of stalking | slaterr7@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Romara Lima Delmonte | Differentiating Healthy from Pathological Possession in Religious Individuals: The Role of Personality, Cognition and Traumatic Life Events | limadelmor@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Leli Lismay | Decolonizing English? Developing an ESP-Based Syllabus for Islamic Studies at Islamic University in Indonesia | lismayl@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Long'or Pauline Lokidor | Modelling nature based solutions to control flooding and erosion in Kibera, Kenya | lokidorl@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Ahmed Mahmed | Global Britain: An evaluation of the United Kingdom’s Maritime Security Strategy in the Horn of Africa | mahmeda@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Adriana Marin | Hezbollah - The convergence of politics, terrorism and organised crime: how state sponsorship affects terrorist organisation decision-making | marina@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Mohamed Mehiaoui | Youth activism, leadership and civic engagement for the climate and sustainability in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa region | mehiaouim@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Uroosa Mushtaq | Does Intercultural Dialogue work in fragile Contexts? | mushtaqu2@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Salim Nabi | Migrantifa and Migrant-led Activism | nabis4@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Chung Fei Ng | The Effects of Heart-Centred Spiritual Exercises: A Randomised Controlled Trial | ngc97@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Arum Ningsih | Counter-narrative through Virtual Media for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in Indonesia | ningsiha@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Hyppolite Ntigurirwa | Trust-Recovery as a Means for sustainable Peace | ntigurirwh@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
James Juma Olela | Protection of Publicly Accessible Locations from Terrorism: Towards a strategic framework for Kenya | olelaj@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Emily Paffett | Refugee Protection in the United Kingdom | paffette@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Muhamad Imam Pamungkas | Preventing Extremism through Islamic Religious Education in Schools | pamungkasm@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Rhys Partridge | Antifascism and Political Violence in Modern Democracies | partridger@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Dinesh Passi | Uncovering the History of Interreligious Relations among South Asian Communities in Post-war Coventry | passid3@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Katarina Pavic | Contentious Civil Societies and Democratisation in Southeastern Europe | pavick@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Andreea Pop | Civil Society Organisations Representations Of Migrant Trafficked People And Sex Workers In Italy And The UK | popa5@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Andrew Powell | Seismic Cities and Communities: Designing Interventions for Equitable and Sustainable Seismic Multi-Hazard Disaster Resilience Development in Indonesia | powella14@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Dede Rohaniawati | The Internalization of local Wisdom based Tolerance Values to foster Students Inclusive Character in Indonesia | rohaniawad@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Sheila Ronoh | Youth activism, leadership and civic engagement for the climate and sustainability in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa region | ronohs@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Paul-Cosmin Ruscanu | Securitisation beyond security practice: the speech act and the normalisation of the exceptional in current British politics | ruscanup@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Vishal Sharma | Developing Regional Cooperation in South Asia | sharmav24@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
David Sinclair | Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia and the Role of Diaspora | sinclaird@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Katherine Chobe Sonnen | Behavioural Science of Protective Security | sonnenk@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Stacy Snook | Insider Risk and Personnel Security | snooks@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Lauren Stansfield | Human Rights groups and desecuritisation strategies in non-Western illiberal democracies: A comparative analysis of Thailand and the Philippines | stansfiell@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Gena Sturgon | Utilizing Civil Military Cooperation In Kosovo To Foster Active Youth Participation In Peace And Security Processes | sturgong@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Ami Widyastuti | Examining Respect in Municipality: A Concept of Respect in Public Organisation | widyastuta@uni.coventry.ac.uk |
Visiting Academics
Name | Job Role | Emaill |
Ola Alkahout | Visiting Research Fellow | ae1849@coventry.ac.uk |
Bahar Baser | Visiting Research Fellow | ab8225@coventry.ac.uk |
Adam Baird | Visiting Research Fellow | ac1003@coventry.ac.uk |
Sarah Charles | Visiting Research Fellow | ad9110@coventry.ac.uk |
Heaven Crawley | Visiting Research Fellow | ab8540@coventry.ac.uk |
Neale Gregg | Visiting Research Fellow | ad9041@coventry.ac.uk |
Gareth Harris | Visiting Research Fellow | ab8654@coventry.ac.uk |
Moni Hoque | Visiting Research Fellow | ae5645@coventry.ac.uk |
Valerie van Mulukom | Visiting Research Fellow | ac2492@coventry.ac.uk |
Sulochana Peiris | Honorary Visiting Fellow | ae5150@coventry.ac.uk |
Math Noortmann | Emeritus Professor | ab9053@coventry.ac.uk |
Andrew Rigby | Emeritus Professor | lsx134@coventry.ac.uk |
Gavin Sullivan | Visiting Research Fellow | ab7809@coventry.ac.uk |
Patricia Sellick | Visiting Research Fellow | ab9585@coventry.ac.uk |
Jennifer Verson | Visiting Research Fellow | ad7836@coventry.ac.uk |
Mykhaylo Yaqubovych | British Academy / CARA Researcher | ae1004@coventry.ac.uk |
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