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Study With Us

Study With Us

Learn more about our PhD provision

Learn about our Protective Security and Resilience MSc/PGDip/PGCert course

Why CPS?

  • Based in the UK’s only City of Peace and Reconciliation
  • 60+ strong team of international experts
  • Research led teaching
  • Transdisciplinary research
  • Collaborative and dynamic research environment

Stimulating Learning Environment

Based in the UK’s only City of Peace and Reconciliation, the Centre for Peace and Security is a globally recognised institution with over 60 full-time researchers and more than 50 PhD students, supported by dedicated professional support staff.
Students thrive in our dynamic, vibrant and enabling research environment, which fosters collaboration and peer support networks. We convene and contribute to public debates and academic fora, provide effective policy guidance and generate collaborative research through our global networks.

Each year students from all over the world study with us, bringing with them an array of personal and professional experiences that enrich class discussions. The opportunity to meet and learn with people who work on similar issues in very different parts of the world is one of the most valuable aspects of our programmes. 

Our Academic Experts

Most of our staff have worked internationally and many have experience in the field before joining us as academic researchers. Our staff are extremely well-connected and are called upon to share their expertise on the national and international stage, as advisers to governments and international bodies or at conferences worldwide.

We employ a range of innovative and participatory research methods alongside established qualitative and quantitative methods with the objective of real engagement by the researcher with research participants and collaborators. Most of our work involves community members, community-based organisations, governments or the business sector. Our work is underpinned by the highest ethical standards in how we develop our research excellence and our operations, recognise the contributions of others, and work with partners.

CPS Postgraduate Research Brochure

Learn more about our postgraduate research and download the brochure.

CPS Postgraduate Research Brochure

CPS Postgraduate Research Brochure

Centre for Peace and Security

Find out more about the research carried out by the CPS team

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University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023