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outlined car showing wires and linked to electric charging port

Future mobility

Our researchers in future transport and cities are at the forefront of mobility innovation in a rapidly changing technology-enabled world. Coventry University see's major disruption in the transport sector due to the imminent arrival of future technology such as connected and automated mobility. As a result of this, the way in which people, goods and services moves is changing dramatically and our researchers are guiding that change.

Car driving through tunnel with red lights

Centre for Future Transport and Cities

Our Centre for Future Transport and Cities uses robust scientific methods coupled with innovative modelling and simulation techniques, to guide and develop solutions and inform policy on the next generation of transport, mobility and the environments in which they take place.

Young woman working on an aircraft

Electric Revolution Skills Hub

Coventry University is home to the Electric Revolution Skills Hub, part of the UK’s initiative in Driving the Electric Revolution. The Hub will support the Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) business community.

A man's hands hold up a tablet taking a photograph of a miniature model of an urban airport


The Air One, a first-of-its-kind urban airport that was constructed in Coventry city centre this year, demonstrates alternative modes of transport and is a vision of the future for urban air mobility. It is also a showcase of the UK’s first ‘pop up’ airport and charging hub for future electric vertical take-off and landing aircrafts.

Two electric vans parked outside of a building

Connected Autonomous Vehicles

Connected and automated vehicles have the potential to transform the way that people and goods are moved by replacing some, or all, of the driving tasks.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023