
Eco-Dry is a 4-year €560,000 IRSES FP7 project that aims to enhance understanding and share knowledge on agroecological strategies to build the resilience of farming systems in dryland and drought situations.

Excluded Voices: Democratising Agricultural Research

The aim of the Excluded Voices project is to identify and support processes that can help democratise the governance of food and agricultural research. The project combines participatory methodologies and institutional innovations to make excluded voices count in food and agricultural policy-making. 


BIOCHAR - Farmers, Growers and Gardeners 2015 Biochar Experiment.

Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU)

Building a European network on agroecology to accelerate the transition towards sustainable agriculture and food systems.

Transforming policy and practice towards agroecological transitions for resilient and just food and farming systems in a changing climate

The purpose of our Challenge Workshops is to develop an interdisciplinary network of ECRs in South Africa (SA) and UK specialising in food and farming systems transformation in an era of acute climate uncertainty.

Ready, Healthy, Eat!

This project brings together five established local community food projects throughout the UK that will trial different ideas for improving the nutritional value of the cooked food eaten by the most vulnerable groups in their community.

SOIL NEXUS - Building policy tools for water- and waste-based urban soil remediation

This project aims to address the gap between practice and policy in the virtuous use of urban wastes for the remediation of urban soils.

Identification and quantification of trace organic contaminants discharged from waste water treatment plants

The main purpose of this project is to generate pump priming data for novel applications of high resolution mass spectrometry methods for identification and quantification of organic pollutants discharged from waste water treatment plants.

Managing Ash Dieback Disease

This project aims to identify whether factors associated with soil health influence ash tree susceptibility to ash dieback disease.

Thriving Hive

This project will locate air pollution monitors in apiaries across the Midlands and record incidence of particulate matter in hives and the bees that live in them.

Urbanising in Place. Building the Food-Water-Energy Nexus from Below (UiP)

Exploring the physical and metabolic context, scenarios for economic valorisation and political processes that can enable alternative metabolic capabilities, and specific practices and configurations that food growing communities could develop to regain control over resources.


AGROforestry and MIXed farming systems knowns as Agromix is participatory research to drive the transition to a resilient and efficient land use in Europe.

Nourishing Life -Territories of Life & Food Sovereignty

This Policy Brief focuses on the contributions that the territories and areas governed, managed and conserved by custodian indigenous peoples and local communities.

SAFERUP! Sustainable, Accessible, Safe, Resilient and Smart Urban Pavements

The overall purpose of SAFERUP! is to inform the design, operation and installation of the next generation of urban pavements.

Governing Natural Resources for Food Sovereignty

The objective of this preliminary research is to elaborate a 3-year participatory action research (PAR) project on the governance of natural resources for food sovereignty.

UNDERTREES - Creating knowledge for Understanding ecosystem services of agroforestry systems through a holistic methodological framework

The overarching objective of UNDERTREES is to form an international and inter-sectoral network of 15 organisations in 3 continents (Europe, Africa and South America) working on a joint research programme in the field of agroforestry (AF) and ecosystem services (ES) assessment.

Making Space: The Geographies of Minimalist Practices and Sustainable Consumption

The purpose of the study is to explore the motivations and practices of self-defined minimalists (or those who associate themselves with minimalist practice) and to explore minimalism’s potential link to sustainable consumption practices.

Gaza Foodways: Towards Resilient Women-led Urban Agroecological Food Systems as a Pathway to Women's Economic Empowerment

Gaza Foodways is a transdisciplinary research collaboration to contribute toward a ‘just transition’ to diversified low-carbon urban food and farming systems.

Beautiful places as contested spaces

Examining the potential effect of Welsh Governments new landscape management schemes on the economic, environmental and cultural activities and values of Cambrian Mountain Range residents and stakeholders.

Lleoedd hardd fel gofodau ymryson

Archwilio effaith bosibl cynlluniau rheoli tirwedd newydd Llywodraeth Cymru ar weithgareddau a gwerthoedd economaidd, amgylcheddol a diwylliannol trigolion a rhanddeiliaid Bryniau Cambrian.