The issues of empowerment, equality and social justice are among the core issues that the Egypt's Vision of 2030 focuses on. In the next three-five years, the project will contribute to the economic development and social welfare of Egypt.
The Partnership on University Plagiarism Prevention (PUPP) team, composed of 59 researchers and collaborators from various disciplines, and from 34 partners, focuses on an international strategy for the prevention of plagiarism in universities.
iKUDU aims to contribute to developing a contextualised South African concept of internationalisation of the curriculum, which will be embedded in the broad context of curriculum transformation.
All Early Years settings know about the value of storybooks to their day-to-day practice, and most already use some of the principles of interactive book reading. This project will investigate how much planning these storybook activities makes a difference to outcomes.
EsTAbliSHing female academic networks: a pathway for Better addressing and managing womEn undEr-representation in senior leadership ranKs in Egyptian universities (TASHBEEK, تشبيك )
This project is a collaboration between Walter Sisulu University, Coventry University and Stellenbosch University. The project is focused on enhancing staff doctoral capacity training and expertise for underrepresented groups in South Africa.
The aim of European Literatures and Gender from Transnational Perspective (EUTERPE) is to develop a new approach to rethinking European cultural production in the light of current complex social and political negotiations that are shaping European spaces and identities.
YOUROPE is dedicated to reinvigorating European democracy by enhancing inclusivity and participation, particularly focusing on underrepresented youth and their communities.