Characterising Neurological Disorders with Nonlinear System Identification and Network Analysis

With an increasingly ageing population, neurological disorders (ND), including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease (AD and PD), are becoming the second leading cause of death and the world's largest cause of disability-adjusted life years. Currently, incurable ND have a devastating impact on individuals, families and a heavy economic burden on societies.

Breaking the Time Barrier: Using AI to Map the Evolution of Legal Precedents

This research aims to fill two important research gaps: Dynamicity of law and reasons for citation.

Resilience Beyond Observed Capabilities - RBOC Network Plus

The RBOC (Resilience Beyond Observed Capabilities) Network Plus will create new knowledge, new capabilities and new opportunities for collaboration to help the UK prepare for security threats in the coming decades.

Expressions of Self: Race, Religion and Representation of care-experienced children and young people

This research will work with Black, Asian and mixed-heritage children and young people to generate child-led narratives of their identity, focussing on understandings of ethnicity and religion and how these intersect with being in adoptive or foster care.

Information geometric theory of neural information processing and disorder

This project aims to develop a new model-free information geometric theory of neural information processing for the practical purpose of improved disorder diagnosis by overcoming various current challenges.

Solar Energy Transitions (SET): Inclusive e-cooking in sub-Saharan Africa

This project aims to conduct an early-stage techno-economic feasibility study to arrive at a financially viable and sustainable solar home e-cooking system that can power a range of appliances.

Pushing Back the Doubly Exponential Wall of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (DEWCAD)

The DEWCAD project aims to produce a state of the art tool for solving problems of Quantifier Elimination or Satfiability over Non-Linear Real Arithmetic.

Intelligent Wind Turbines for Cold Climates

More than a quarter of the world’s wind turbines are installed in cold climates and suffer from icing, which damages turbines, causes dangerous break-off ice and reduces annual power generation by up to 20%.