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Train going through a city with illustration showing a smart transport technology concept

New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems (NEWBITS)


European Commission
Grant Agreement number: 723974 — NEWBITS — H2020-MG-2016-2017/H2020-MG-2016-SingleStage-RTD-MOVE

Total value of project


Value to Coventry University


Project team

Professor Alexeis Garcia-Perez, Dr Anitha Chinnaswamy



Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, CE Delft, TTS Italia, Atos Spain SE, Coventry University Enterprises Ltd, Steinbeis 2i GmbH, IntelSpace Innovation Technologies, Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems

Duration of project

01/10/2016 - 31/03/2019

Project overview

The NEWBITS project provided a deep understanding of the changing conditions and dynamics that affect and/or influence Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) innovations, informed by 4 case studies from successful ITS implementations in transport. New KPIs were designed to feed reactive and network-oriented value creation propositions that improve the collaborative decision-making process across the various stakeholders of the C-ITS. This improved value definition helped minimise the failures inherent to C-ITS innovation diffusion, evolved existing business models, and identified effective incentives to accelerate C-ITS deployment.

The consortium applied a business ecosystem approach for C-ITS which acknowledged the context of economics of networks by introducing a conceptual level beyond that of individual organisations. The consortium designed and implemented a holistic intelligence process that gathers key information and indicators on market, demand, stakeholder’s involvement and innovation diffusion for ITS and C-ITS.

Project objectives

  1. Applying a business ecosystem’s concept for C-ITS.
  2. Improve the understanding of C-ITS enablers and barriers implementing a holistic intelligence process.
  3. Effectively implement a network based business modelling method for C-ITS.
  4. Validation of new business models, translation and capitalization of results.
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