ALERT Student volunteering
Psychology and Psychology/Criminology students have the opportunity to go out and volunteer as part of the ALERT project in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Some of the students who went earlier this year shared their experiences.
I got the opportunity to go out ot Zambia and Zimbabwe and do a variety of different tasks such as work in schools and with lions in conservation. I gained valubale work and life experience from it and would recommend it to anybody who can do it.
I got to assist on some amazing projects. One of the standout things for me was working with children in rural schools and it was great integrating different cultures with the children and having fun together. We also got to walk lions, and observe them in their natural habitat which was amazing.
I got the amazing opportunity to work with ALERT, in local schools, communities and lion conservation. I loved the experience and gained so much knowledge from working with children and with the lions. Helping children with reading and just doing activities in school and running the kids club. I’d really recommend it to anyone.